I think I am going to sell everything and buy me a one of those huge RV's. And drive to Sweden. :mrgreen:
No, but I might be willing to give you some adviCe! (Sorry, it's my day to be on spelling patrol) LOL
So stop taking them. I don't think you're young enough to catch up with the Duggar's, but you could give it a try. :mrgreen: Please don't hit me. :lol:
Ready, that's not even funny. That woman has lost her ever loving mind. Thanks, but my two girls are plenty unless we win the lottery.
Jenn, I can't take the pill, they make me crazy. This has worked very well for us for 10+ years now. http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/women/contraceptive/126.html
If I tried that, I'd be just like the Dugger's! :shock: Too much room for error for me, I am not that organized!
SS, there's a growing number of 4042'ers that are going single. Maybe a club should be started! Frogger