Wow, there are so many new members on here and i think the last time we did this was almost 2 years ago. A few simple questions, are you male or female, what age range, kids or none, married or single, what does your avatar name stand for, etc? i will start, i am female, married, 3 kids, 5 grandkids, 47yo and my avatar nickname is my real nickname. Oh yeah, i am not a stay at home mom.:-D
Umm, female, married (3.5 years), college instructor, no children, and ecugyrl is what everyone calls me cuz I went to ECU. That is pretty much it about me. My avatar is chicken little which can describe me as well.
OK, female, 65, widow, 2 kids, 3 grandchildren; my screen name uses the first & middle initial of my oldest grandson, the smart***. I love gardening and talking politics, not necessarily in that order.
Large bald ugly male that has too many miles on him (at least that's what my frequent flier account says!). Oh Yeah! I am a borderline atheist that faithfully attends church each week! :mrgreen: The Avatar is Peety the parrot and you might occasionally see Pullo the beagle. P.S. May be we can get Dave to make this a permanent sticky for this forum!
Hmmmm, 39 y/o Female, married for 22 years this Dec... have 3 kids, oldest just finished 2nd year of college, youngest just finished potty training. I do animal rescue (hence avatar)... stay at home mom, minus the work from home part time...
49 year old male, married 31 years this year. Two sons, two dogs, two cats, and one grand dog. Avatar is just amusing ... and according to some a bit of a warning about my approach to a debate, but that is just crazy talk.
Let me see if I can remember everything I am supposed to include... I am 30 years old and married for 7.5 years. We have wonderful, 4-legged children: 2 dogs, Elvis and Lisa-Marie; 2 rabbits, McKenzie and Garon; and some fish! My name is because I graduated from ECU in 98 and again in 06. I have been teaching for 9 years. And I'd like to thank my mom.... Oh, wait. Thats another thread!
37 yr old female. Married one year. Two handsome sons, one graduating from WJHS this friday and one is going into 7th grade. 2 cats and a pond with fish.I work and attend school myself. Doing a career change. I used to be a cosmetologist for 18 years. Now going into the medical field. I dont know what else to say. Hello to all the new people.
I don't know who I am lol ok...where to start. 39 female, seperated 3 yrs, one wonderful 7 yr old daughter/Amber, 2 pugs/Josie and Lucy, 2 cats/Munchkin and Nicki, 6 parrots/Paulie, Neo, Critter, Conner, Mo, Squeakers. I'm animal person and help when needed to place unwanted parrots in forever homes. Work full time in a membership club as a supervisor. User name is just my maiden name spelled the american way. Sheri
38, female, divorced, 3 kids, my user name is the nickname my youngest daughter's aunt gave her. Her first and middle name rhyme so her aunt said she sounds like a Dr. Suesse character. :lol:
I dunno, but she's gonna punch ya with it! Now leave me alone baldy, it's been a long hot day! :lol: :mrgreen:
I am female, married for 12 yrs, 2 children, and my nickname refers to the blessing of how our 2 children came to us, through adoption. My age...let's just say I remember seeing the Beatles on Ed Sullivan when I was in gradeschool. I am a stay at home mom.
female, 45 years old, married 15 years, are blessed with two extremly gifted daughters ages 12 and 10. Husband is 54. Neither one of us married previously and yes, we're from the north. Very rural area of NJ. My husband told our midwives both times that he was used to birthing calves in his jobs on the farm, so how different could it be really? LOL... Although we log on frequently to find out what's going on in this area we love so much, we unfortunately are afraid of some of the anti-"Yankee" prejudious we see here, so we try to stay low-key. We love this area and before we moved here we agreed to stay true to the fact that we are the newcomers here and we need to be the ones to acclimate to our new surroundings, not the other way around.
40 year old female, married 15-1/2 years (this time), stay-at-home mother of 4 kiddos ages 19, 14, 9 & will-be-6-in-July. Lots of pets... dogs, fish, gerbil (recently lost one to old age.) Hmmmm, I guess that about sums me up. Pretty sad, huh? :neutral: :lol: Oh yeah, the username speaks for itself... I am READY to see my King, Jesus Christ!!! :-D
39, female, divorced, have 2 daughters. Oldest just finished her first year at Campbell and will be moving into her own townhouse in July. My baby graduates from high school on Friday and will be off to college in the fall. I'm already feeling the empty nest syndrome. :-( I'm a Network Support Tech with the state working mainly in school technology. And my avatar is the closest thing I could find to match my name which I got off of a bottle of lotion cause I couldn't think of anything else.
41, male, married going on 18 years. 3 wonderful boys - 14, 7 and 6. Screen name - I am a drummer and I play blues, hence.......blusdrmr. Avatar - How I really feel about liberals. Husband and father first, musician second, cellular phone sales third.
42, male, divorced, father of 1 son who is 12. By day i am a land surveyor and soccer coach on weekends. By night i am an internet radio show host, record label owner, drummer and on occasions i will don my all black ninja suit and rid the area of nere-do-wells. I like long slow walks on the beach, sunsets, puppies, crab legs, soft toilet paper (not the cheap stuff), sleeping late on weekends, snuggling in front of a fire place for hours on end, watching the Lifetime network, Oprah, being a "yes man" to my girlfriend, honey-do lists and emptying the dishwasher. But...above all and first with everything, i am my sons father.