silly me....I get no "perks" at work and my bosses don't tolerate the failure rate that happens every year on Dr. Parker's watch. maybe these people are tired of paying for the excess involved in the education system. We spend too much and it is not for education. tell me what fast food joints you go to. The ones I go to are full of high school kids that can not count or speak English very well. How come we spend so much more than other countries? and yes I know it is from "uh oh bad word coming don't look" Republican think tank, but I think it is a good example.,
But this not your position, is it? You are comparing apples to oranges. Compared to these other Superintendents he might be very successful. Really no perks? Even I get perks, but then again I probably have a different position than you do.
No one in charge of a local school system is worth that much. You can compare whatever you want, but to complain about a lack of funds and resources and then accept such a lavish raise on taxpayer's dollars is word enough for me. Boss won't pay me $3,000 per year for a cell phone. I work for a private employer so my actions are not funded by the taxpayer.
I could see mine doing that, but I told him I did not want him to have control of my communications so I prefer to pay my own. Mine was as of last year running about $1,200 dollars a year, but I imagine his needs are more than mine. Regarding the worth statement, in my mind George Bush isn't worth $50,000 a year, let alone what he is making (let alone the perks).
I don't get any perks, either, really. But CEO types usually do. There is NO way parents would tolerate having their schools run like Japanese schools - kids have to earn their way in and kids who struggle with academics aren't invited. Kids who are discipline problems don't get to go, either. I can just imagine the slew of lawsuits if "little Johnnie" didn't get into the school Mommie thought he should. And no playground? What? What about character education and athletic programs? Man, I could take that stuff or leave it - but parents, the feds and the legislature demand it - so we gotta' pay for it. Yes, I am a JOCO emloyee and I also teach at JCC in an adult education program. A lot of the adults who come in only have a high school education (many have less) and they have jobs that don't pay well at Wal-Mart and such OR they had manufacturing jobs that have moved overseas. We have to work hard and educate these kids. And it IS hard work and it DOES cost money. If you don't like the school board members, come out and vote when they run and find out what they stand for before you vote. Look at their records. What was it? We had around 14% turnout for the school bond referendum AND for the school board election?
I'm sure that was directed at me ... that's ok I love ya anyways and I hope you are coming out for the lunch next Friday!! I just don't see why since I don't have kids and don't even like most of them :lol: that my tax dollars go to the school system. Why do we have the "NC Education Lottery?" Only to line the pocket of some fat cats. How about I keep my tax $$'s so I can go on vacation, or buy more treats (beer) for Shelby, or pay some bills? :mrgreen: I see what you are saying though.
I would not want my personal communication going through my company and that is why I had two cell phones. Why are his needs more? Surely he has office hours and can be found "managing" the great fiefdom, I meant school system" and not off doing something else. and you expect me to argue what. We keep arguing that you have to pay to attract people yet all we keep electing are people that do not need the salary. Maybe they are all in it for the "perks".
I wasn't knocking you, Harley...I hear that from a lot of folks, especially older folks whose kids are out of school...which is strange, 'cause they didn't mind other people paying for their kids to attend school. Yes, can't wait til lunch next week!
I am not sure what all his responsibilities are, but at this salary I am pretty sure it is not a 8 to 5 job. Might also include multiple phones (business, emergency, Internet) with special security. Regarding the perks, if it wasn't for mine I probably would have found a new position years ago, I haven't tallied mine up but my Perks probably range from $10K to $20K a year.
sounds almost perfect to me. Only other way I would improve it is to add some private competition and also give the parents that home-school the money that would have spent on their children. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that is what all men can expect. Anything else is gravy and should be paid for by other means than tax dollars. Well thank you. My parents were both educators and rest assured never expected to make the money these people are making. If we water down the curriculum and shackle our students minds how do we expect them to compete. The reason why our jobs and manufacturing are going overseas has little to do with education. Oh I vote! Guess it is pretty clear where I might have stood on the school bonds. Hopefully the next taj mahigh school will not be built as extravagant.
Asa good administrator what could he possibly be bothered with outside of 8 to 5. Surely he trains his staff to handle emergencies. Most justification for the CEO's salary and hence his comparison to that number is for long range planning. Pretty sure the administrator should not be involved in the day to day running of the school system.
Awesome! BTW, we don't talk politics and crap, we just have fun talking about everyone else on the board! :lol: :lol:
Do you not think that if a Virgina Tech type incident is happening that he would not be involved? Also I suspect as an administrator most of his nights are not his own.
Yes, but his time would be better spent making sure that the risk of such attacks is minimal. Hopefully he is a leader and has trained his people to handle such things. Outside of school board meetings and meet the public what else is he doing?
Sign me up, I'd work there. Actually, the curriculum is getting harder. Algebra is being pushed down into lower grades. The math curriculum and tests have really kicked it up a notch. The science curriculum is TOUGH, a lot of abstract thinking is involved and I have to really push every day and every minute to get in all in. I am not really happy with the testing, because it eats up far too much of my instructional time. I don't mind getting the good results that tell me my hard work is worth it....or the kids telling me at the end of the year how much they learned. I agree. But our response has to be to strengthen our workforce to be prepared for tomorrow's jobs - some of which don't even exist yet. That's actually JOCO's Mission Statement, which I wholeheartedly buy into. You are quite welcome! :-D
It would be a nice world where 100% of the children in your class wanted to learn and behave. But if we do not hold the students accountable than the tougher curriculum does little. I would love to hear another way to quantify between teachers. I detest the so called "teaching the test" and I think a great teacher is priceless. I believe that there are some that should or do not want to be in a classroom which is inexcusable. It is admirable and a good mission statement. Unfortunately you are cursed with being told what the curriculum should be by the federal and state bureaucracies.
On a related topic ... I usually have no reason to go down Cornwalis passed Cleveland E.S. ... heading toward Cleveland Middle. I did today and could not believe there are portable buildings still at Cleveland E.S. Didn't Dixon and West View just open this year? Anyone know if those new schools are under capacity. Seems someone did not plan well at all if opening two schools was not sufficeint to relieve Cleveland's overcrowding ...especailly the first year those new schools were opened.
I was looking to see if some one was going to post about that. I am a teacher. They can't find money to pay 1% of our salary