Lowes Foods Triples Rumor

Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by frugalmomoftwo, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. PeeWee

    PeeWee Member

    It's pretty discusting when I see a shopper during a triples promotion with several kids (probably borrowed a few to help with the hunt) with carts in tow. The big ole binder stuffed to the max sitting right up there on the cart. Ah, mus-My Friend for .99 with a .30 X 3 = .90. Ok, kiddos, round up the mus-My Friend....4 each cart. Ok, that's 6 kids, 4 mus-My Friend each, 24 mus-My Friend total. .09 X 24 mus-My Friend = 2.16 for a year's supply of mus-My Friend. What a deal for ME! Maybe they'll stock the shelves over night and I'll be back in the am to make another (rip-off). I have a endless supply of .30 mus-My Friend coupons. I hope Tommy Ray ain't gettin no fever. I sure need him and his cart tomorrow. Keepin 'em all out of school another day ain't gonna hurt, kinda like when the kids had to stay outta school to help with the crops back in the old days. Oh, I sure hope Melinda lets me borrow Suzy Q tomorrow.

    Kinda makes the rest of us binder armed shoppers look bad, I think. As in other aspects of life, a few give the rest a a bad name....a few spoil the good for everyone else. Get off your tush and work for deals during the whole year, not only at Triple promotions. Lowes Food is not responsible for feeding your family for an entire year. The promotions are for every customer, not designed with only you in mind. Greed is ugly. Set an example, don't teach it to your kids!
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I have to admit, I am not ashamed to stock up on items for my family during these triples. I do what I have to do to be able to stay home with my kids. (legal, nicely and with in reason) I also will get some 'Free' items to donate to basic needs....

    What bothers me is the folks who stock up on free or almost free to resell. I have come across more than one yard sale with these items marked way up. Not all the way to the normal price, but enough that they are making a good profit. When I asked one person she said that is how she makes about $600 a year!!!! I am not one to judge, but I just feel people who take it to extremes are going to ruin it for everyone. There will be strict limits and we wont be able to stock up.... (and I will have to go find a real job.):lol:
  3. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Just a big thanks to savvy shoppers like you who pay full price! Without you, the stores could never afford to offer such wonderful promotions for those of us who want to be excellent stewards of our hard earned money. And regarding the classes, we most definitely discuss good manners when shopping. You may want the cliff notes on that section. LOL.

    Regarding hoarding - all of you smartspenders know my thoughts and have read my rants. Moderation is a good thing.
  4. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    ...didn't mean to upset you Faye. ...I just want my kids to be able to eat too.
  5. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    I am not upset at all - just being equally as histrionic. I, too, am amazed when people have 6 carts and take up the entire aisle! It's crazy!

    Heads up - stay away from Harris Teeter Thurs-Sat. Lowe's will be a nice peaceful store on those days.
  6. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    LOL... that was my first thought when I saw the new thread. :lol:

    ..Dang it Faye! Ya made me google histrionic.
    Actually I fall more along the lines of BPD with a bit of DID on the side. :mrgreen:
  7. frugalmomoftwo

    frugalmomoftwo Well-Known Member

    Now that was funny! I think anyone with kids is a little BP but what in the world is DID?!

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