partion my C drive into 2 drives. Not sure if I have the software on here or if I will have to get one to do it. Just wanted to know where to look before I go buy some thing thanks
Well, I have good news and bad news. Good news: Partitioning is part of the operating system, so you don't need to buy something special. Bad news: Usually partitioning will cause the complete loss of all data on the drive. I am curious, though, as to why you want to partitian your drive. (If you don't mind telling me).
the main use of my pc is for storing my pics (yes I keep them backup else where), calendar and just general work, but if you partion your pc to have 2 drives, if you ever get a virus it only affects your C drive not the one you make.. does this make sense? maybe? LOL
No, if you get a virus, it will cross drives. With today's technology, there are very few reasons to partitian. Back "in the day", the main reason was because the operating system wouldn't recognize drives bigger than 32Meg. Partitioning was a way of fooling the OS to using the areas of a drive that wouldn't be "seen" under normal circumstances. Today, about the only reason to partitian is to run multiple operating systems, such as Windows on one partitian and Linux on the other.
It depends on the data type (even gifs can contain virii) and the virus. What I do know is that a virus won't necessarily stay on it's own drive. If there are files on a second drive that it can infect, it will infect them given a chance.
I will bet you that (without using macros) I can create 10 folders before you can partitian your drive.
Typical Microsoft Kool-Aid drinker........ How often do you think we repartition our hard drives. A well thought out OS install and a smart choice in OS and you will never use folders again. Way easier and smarter to use partitions as Ken described.
So Ken, can you tell me how to do this. I have done it years ago but for the life of me cant remember. Or should I have this done by someone that has a better clue thanks
the computer is new so no real data on here except for my calendar. Thanks. I am having a friend reformat it on Friday to clean up all the crap on here they have and I will see if while he is doing this if he can do it then Thanks again Faith
I have to disagree with "not" partitioning. Kens' point is the best reason. No loss of stored data with a recovery. All the PC's that come out now from proprietary manufacturers partition the drive to store the OS and recovery. I believe the most important reason you should partition is the hard drive search speed. The OS or "C" drive should be minimal size and data storage should use all of the balance. Programs, Disk Cleanup, Defrag and many more features of the Windows OS will perform at a greater speed if the root drive is smaller.
Thanks, I'm hoping my friend will do this. If not I will post again and see if I can get someone here to do it for me.
That's what my suggestion would be. I have partition magic (free thanks to a friend) I think they changed it back though. I don't know what they do to my computer when I'm not around. As long as it works, who cares.