Computer for AOP - SOS

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by MommySAIDno, Oct 2, 2007.

  1. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    I homeschool our 4 children and they do a computerized curriculum called “Switched on Schoolhouse” (SOS) by Alpha Omega Publishing ( I’ve been working it out between 2 computers but this year, I have another child ready for SOS and I really need an extra computer or two. This would enable them all to be working individually at the same time while I go from one child to another teaching new concepts and answering questions. I'm wondering if any of you great computer techs might possibly have an older computer that you are wanting to get rid of.

    The computers we have now are nothing fancy but they really do the job just fine for us. The important thing I would need is Windows XP and plenty of memory. I’m sure my idea of “plenty of memory” is much less than yours :-D. I do okay but I am NOT a computer tech so speak S-L-O-W-L-Y when responding with computer lingo...okay :mrgreen:

    Let’s see, here is the info off of our newest computer (about 6 years old I’d say at least - given to us by a family member when they got a new laptop)... Microsoft Windows XP version 2002, service pack 2...Intel Pentium III processor, 598 MHz and 256MB Ram.

    Above listed computer is the one our oldest child uses and it is used almost solely for school (no internet - DH and I have the only internet ready computer in our room as to supervise it closely.) The SOS disks for each subject can be installed in the system so you don’t have to switch disks each time they change subjects (gets old when you have 4 kids with 5-6 subjects/disks each). This is the only computer with enough memory which has allowed me to install the disks totally. It made it run a little slow and hang up some but it works pretty well. I'm thinking I might need a bit more memory really.

    I’ve also thought of looking into laptops and going wireless. I’d like to be able to network all our computers so I could be at one master computer and go in to grade lessons on all of theirs. But, I think that would be too big of an ordeal for me at the moment. I know you can do that when you are not wireless and I would think it would be even easier if we were all wireless. (But, like I said, this is NOT my expertise. My head is full of language arts problems, math lessons and history dates for 4 separate grade levels. By 5:30pm, my brain is almost fried!) Plus, With a wireless laptop, I could have one kid bring their work to me for help while I was helping another child instead of them having to wait for Mom to finish up and come to their computer. Then again, I guess the only reason I'd need wireless would be if they needed the internet. SOS does have internet links but I can either enable or disable them.

    I am hoping someone here may be able to direct me to a good deal because, after buying the curriculum for all the kids, my schooling budget is getting low, really low. I don’t get any extra $$$ from our fabulous NC Education lottery either:lol: - (Yes - that IS a joke in so many ways;) :roll: ).

    Anyway, please don’t flame me for posting this here instead of in the classifieds. A very nice tech suggested to me that I might be surprised at how many folks posting in here may have old units just sitting around in their way that they have just not just tossed out yet.
    One man's trash...;) I thought I’d take the chance and see. Any and all input and advice would be appreciated more than I can tell you - as long as it’s not yelling at my ignorance please:lol:
  2. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Okay, what specs would you need?

    (Remember now Ken, I'm still ridin' on one training wheel;) :mrgreen: )
  3. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Okay, according to AOP's website, these are the requirements for running the most recent versions of SOS: (is this what you would need to know?)

    • Pentium class processor 500 MHZ or better
    • Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME or Windows 98 Second Edition* (I run the 2004 version of SOS on a computer with Windows 98SE and it does fine. However, I am looking to get a newer version (off ebay) and some of the new ones need XP or better to run.)
    • 256MB of memory
    • 250 MB of hard disk space
    • 800x600 or higher resolution monitor, 16 bit color
    • CDROM drive
    • Printer Recommended

    (SOS can run on 400 MHZ or higher processor w/128 MB of memory but it not supported if it is.)

    SOS also requires you have the following programs installed. If they are not, the SOS will install them for you.
    • Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (or newer)
    • Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
    • Macromedia Flash Player 7 /Macromedia Shockwave 10 (or newer)
    • Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine 2000 (MSDE)
  4. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    A generic dell should do.
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    What can we do with old monitors? I have two, perfectly usable, but they are just huge and taking up space.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Yeah, that's the problem, I know they are a hazard. DH has tons of old computer parts and pieces laying around, all past their prime. :rolleyes: I've had no luck getting rid of it at yard sales, hope yours is better!
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I have done this!! LOL! We got rid of bicycles, an old mattress, some kids outdoor toys, broken lawnmower, you name it! Too much trouble and $$ to take to the dump. Take it down to the end of the driveway and put FREE on it, usually gone in an hour!:mrgreen:
  8. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ken, I'll check those options out and let ya know what I see. I need to do something; this is getting tough.
  9. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member


    Then again, maybe that would be a good thing? :lol:

    Really, I appreciate your help and advice.
  10. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    I decided to try and find a laptop. Saw one on local craigslist and the lady emailed this info to me on it:
    Intel Centrino Pentium M 725A 1.6Ghz
    512MB DDR2 SDRAM memory
    60GB HD
    24x DVD/CD-RW combo drive;
    15.4" WXGA Hi Def Brightview widescreen
    Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 802.11bg
    128MB video mem shared (what does this mean?)
    6-in-1 memory reader
    Express Card slot
    6 cell lith battery
    Windows XP 2 Home

    Looks like it could work for what I need. Thought I'd run by you guys in case I missed something.

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