How about NOTHING. Don't feel obligated to buy anyone a gift. It's not what the holiday is about. Put that money toward your family.
Homemad pads or tampons :lol: If it's for work, you shouldn't be forced into buying just because work did secret santa etc... Vote out!
I have family members I don't care very much for but was informed by my mother its rude not to buy for them because they buy gifts for me.In our family you buy for everyone. Such as my new sister in law , I do not like her or her little brat but I have to buy for them. I have a cousin I don't like and I have to buy for her. So now I am trying to figure out what to get them.
Well the men's underwear might be extra warm if you pull it over your head in winter and still breath properly. But you might get labeled as a perv! :mrgreen: When your done they can be modified into feminine hygiene products (Go Green)!
Tell them your gift to them is love for the Christmas holiday, because they normally wouldn't get it the other 364 days of the year. :-D
Just because someone buys for you DOESN'T mean you have to buy for them. Here's what we do. We (little sista & me) buy for mom and dad, we dont get each other gifts nor do we buy for BIL's / SIL's etc... in the extended family. As far as extened family - they get 0 and that's just the way it is. My shopping list is pretty awesome. Shop for mom and dad and that's it. Done. :mrgreen:
Has anyone here ever had to buy a gift for someone they didn't like? I am starting to think that my mom is just good at the guilt stuff. lol
LOL! Cousin's? Are you serious? I don't buy for anyone, except for those nearest and dearest to my heart, screw everyone else. I have Thanksgiving at my house every year and only invite those I want in my home. I'm sorry, but life is too short to do things you don't want to do. The point of doing/buying for someone during the holiday's is because you care for them, not because you have to.:?
She is so good in fact, that you just figured it out. Cousin you hate - yeah, let it slide. Brother's new wife and stepchild.... that's a tough one. Are you attending get-togethers to exchange these gifts?
I wish we did that. My family is really big on christmas and the giving of presents. I have 4 brothers and their wives to buy for plus their kids not counting aunts , uncles, cousins and my parents then there is my daughter's grandparents on her fathers side. They go way out on christmas for her so I feel like I have to buy for them. Its so much stress I always buy a few extra gifts incase I for got someone. by the time christmas eve is here I feel like my nerves are shot.
I say get the stepchild a toy. They don't have anything to do with the dislike of the adults. Then say, " I only shopped for the kids this year, which is who it's all for anyway." :mrgreen:
For some reason up until this year my brother, sister and I were still buying gifts for one another plus each others children. We're grown. One of my nieces is grown. So - we've decided to only buy for the kids this year and MAY draw names between the adults. It just doesn't make sense to buy gifts just to be buying. Enjoy the holidays! Don't let it stress you out! It's not worth it! Enjoy your family and friends that mean the most to you. Life is too short!
I am going to sound really mean now.... I don't like the kid. He bit me at Thanksgiving on the arm no reason just bit me and hes 9 years old he knows better than to bite people.I may get him a ant farm or something that would be like a special gift for his mom too. lol
His mother got mad when I asked her after he bit me if she had any chew toys for him she rolled her eyes did not even say anything to him about it. I told him if he bit me again I would bite him back.She lets him run around and destroy stuff and get in to everything. He has NO rules at all. Then my child is watching him get away with murder ( or close to it) and she's like why can't I do that. I told her I didn't want to have to visit her in prison like his moms gonna have to do with him when he grows up. His mom got mad about my saying that too, another eyes roll I gotfor that comment.