I have never got a speeding ticket before so I want to know if this is regular police procedure. I'm driving down the road, a JC Sheriff comes up behind me with lights beaming. I pull over, the cop steps out behind her door and puts her hand on her gun and tells me to cut the car off. I have duel exhaust on my blazer and thought I heard her wrong. I stick my head out my window and said "What?". She screams it again "CUT OFF THE CAR!" I cut the car off , she walks up with hand still on gun and says she needs my licence and registration.
If you could not hear what she said because of the loud exhaust, maybe that's why she wanted you to turn it off. It sounds like proper procedure to me. You may know you're not armed and dangerous, but how would she know that?
Doesn't sound all that out of the ordinary to me. When approaching any vehicle, most LEOs will approach expecting the worst I'd imagine. Another thing is tinted windows. Obviously most trucks and SUVs have deep tinted windows and they do not know what they are walking up on. Also, at night, expect a face full of light from their flashlight and and overhand grip on it to knock you coo-coo should you get out of sorts. Also the light in the eyes reveals much about your pupils and creates night blindness should a person decide to get out of their vehicle to fight. At least, that's my understanding. Most law officers tend to be a bit abrasive if you rub them wrong in the slightest. Just goes with the job, I suppose.
Sounds right to me. Another thing to keep in mind, do not go for your registration in your glove box before they get to your window and ask for it. (At that point they may actually point the gun thinking someone is going for a weapon in the glove box!!)
I have always heard to turn your inside lights on at night if you get pulled. Makes the officer more comfy I guess.
oh, after she screamed for me to cut the car off I didn't move, I sat there with palms up like you see on TV. What upset me is where she mocked me. When she told me how fast she said I was going I said "No Way" and her answer was "Yes way" I looked at her like she was stupid. I told her I wanted to see her radar gun cause I didn't think it was true. She said OK, sit here and walks back to her car. I'm sitting there and here comes another one of JC finest deputies pulling in behind her. He gets out and walks to her car. Then she gets out hands me the ticket. I told her I still wanted to see the radar gun. She tells me to walk with her. I walk behind her looking at the other officer with his hand perched on his gun, she sticks her hand on the radar gun presses a few buttons and 69 and 57 pop up on the screen. Now which number am I to look at?? I say Ok, something must be wrong with my speedometer, get in my car and drive away.
Want to help the rest of us JOCO residents out and tell us where you were pulled over for speeding, trying to avoid a ticket here. I've also noticed them hiding next to that very small, white cinder block church on Cornwallis Road, just at the Johnston/Wake Co. lines before the new subdivision.
Sounds like proper procedure to me. Your behavior may have caused the officer to request backup. Remember, they don't know what they are walking into, safety first! There are too many crazy people out there to take chances. I'd say suck it up and move on.
My behavior??? I was scared to death!! I'm going today to get my stuff checked out...I will fight this tooth and nail cause I wasn't speeding according to my speedometer!
While we're on the subject, anyone know why there are always a ton of police cars waiting on Hwy 50, from ODS Rd all the way to Garner? There will be like 3 or 4 all in one clump, and I don't think it's a speed trap area, it's 55 through there?
The HP do their training on 50, that's probably what you are seeing. They have done that for years. I don't know if they actually pull people over or not, I don't think so.
My one and only ticket, when I was about 18. My electric window wasn't working and I couldn't roll down the window. Being stupid, I just started to step out of the car when he got out of his, and of course, Mr. police officer drew his gun on me. :shock: I was petrified, but quickly realized my mistake and froze! So yes, Turtle, it happens!
Oh, I see. that makes sense. I always wondered why they were there. Thought maybe somebody dangerous lived nearby that they were trying to catch! It sure was taking them a long time though!:lol:
Nothing wrong. As a former police officer, I can tell you officer safety is number one and think about the fact that if you could not hear her then she could probably not hear you and she was just reacting to the fact you were not obeying her verbal directions. No one is wrong here just an officer safety thing and you did what you wer told to do so all is good, except for the ticket of course!!!
Turtlepits, Since you have a custom type exhaust, do you also have large off-road tires on your truck? Tires sizes over the stock size will make your speedo incorrect. Just FYI...