Logans inappropriate male server

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 4 kids, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member


    double :ack::ack:
  2. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    You call every woman on here biddies if they say anything about a pedophile or possible pedophile. I don't know if the guy is a pervert ( I have never met him) I just find it very strange that you always have such sympathy for anyone accused a molesting a child but NO sympathy for the child ( victim ).
  3. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I have sympathy for those accused but not proven guilty. I also have sympathy for children who are the victims of molestation. I just find it possible to feel both at the same time.

    What I find difficult to comprehend are those who are ready to execute someone who has only been accused (and, in some cases, not even accused, they have just been convicted twenty years ago, served their time and want to get on with what's left of their lives).
  4. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I have no problem with someone who has been convicted done their time just as long as they did not harm a child. If its murder, rape ( of a adult), theft whatever as long as it did not involve harming a child. I would like to see all convicted child molesters put to death and my mind will never change on that.( or at the very least life in prison no parole)
  5. Clif

    Clif Guest

    I'm not as generous as you are to convicted child molestors.

    But we are not talking about lynching convicted child molestors. We're talking about those who would get a lynching party together just on the rumour that there might be a child molestor in the area.

    What really bothers me is that we agree, yet you think there's something wrong with me.
  6. kimmie

    kimmie Well-Known Member

    dh would agree with you! :jester:but, I on the other hand have no idea who you were talking about! :lol:
  7. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Ok we agree this time. But next time you go to defending one I am gonna remind you of this post.

    BTW it did cross my mind that this person being accused may have been accused for reasons of revenge of something else.Which is why I asked if she said something to him. If I thought someone was touching my child in a way that would make me want to post their info ( meaning where he works and what he looks like) on a public forum you can bet your behind he and everyone in that business would have known that he was acting like a pedophile.

    As far as the other lady saying he was hitting on her. That is something that happens. I was in a local store the other night and this crack head actually tried to grind up on me in line at the check out and had the nerve to ask if I wanted to go home with him.( some men are just stupid )I being a very out spoken person told him that if he got that close to me again I would jab my keys into his manly parts. I think he got my point. But that dosen't make that loon a child molestor just makes him a horny, nasty ,crack head dog.
  8. #1mom

    #1mom Well-Known Member

    This is for all concerned parents!

    I am the friend that was at Logans last night with my HUSBAND he is the FATHER of my daughter and we both had a problem with the incident and he confronted the waiter about touching our daughter inappropitately, meaning on her neck, tickling her waist and back several times, he could not walk by our table without touching our daughter, he was not our waiter nor have we ever seen him before in our lives. Innocent or not, he has no wright to touch anyones child without their permission! That is extremely inappropritate this day and time!! My husband told him not to go near our daughter again, he then spoke with the manager and the police department has been notified. My friend that experienced the same problem last week was not trying to stir up the biddies, she was just letting all concerned parents know to be on the look out for inappropriate behaviour at Logans in garner and to please report it, sounds like we have 3 confirmed incidents within the past several weeks, doesn't sound like innocent behavior to me. I don't judge anyone until I see it happen for myself and you would not have wanted to be there last night because you probably would have been sick on your stomach, I know I was!! Like I said in this day and time you can't trust Anyone!!! It's better to be safe than sorry, that's my philosphy!!
  9. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    If this were me I would have asked him VERY LOUDLY.... "Excuse me, is there a particular reason you are so enamored with my VERY YOUNG, 3 year old daughter?" "I mean, do you have pedophile tendencies?"

    This is not weird....THIS IS SCARY.
  10. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    AGREE,AGREE,AGREE,AGREE,AGREE !! There would be MAJOR problems!
  11. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Personally I don't believe a whole lot of what you have to say.

    There are all of two posts between you an 4 kids. It seems just a little odd for "4 kids" to create a single post with such controversial statements, then seemingly disappear without further comment. Then, suddenly, you appear in an attenpt to reinforce "4 kids" comments.

    I also don't think that what you described as "inappropriate touching" weas all that inappropriate. All he was doing was tickling your little girl. If tickling is inappropriate, there's something wrong with the world.

    Also, how many times did this tickling happen before your "husband" said something? If it was as bad as you want us tyo believe, he would have said something after the first tickle. There sghould not havfe been any more touching after something was said to the waiter. If there was, let us know, and also let us know why your hubby didn't deck the guy after touching the second time (and after being told not to touch).

    Nope, I think you and "4 kids" are both full of crap (and wouldn't doubt it a bit if you two weren't the same person).
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2008
  12. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Why wait until next time. Point out where I defended a convicted child molestor in the past (who hasn't served the sentence society deemed appropriate).

    I have never EVER defended the actions of a child molestor.
  13. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    I agree Clif something seems a little fishy. BUT....tickling from a stranger..... OH HE** NO!!! Tickling someone that is known AND trusted that's fine, but a complete stranger.....uhh, no that's just creepy.
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Still think its ^^
  15. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I'd have to agree. Pat one on the head as you walk by, I can see that , but "tickle" them on their side or any where else......NEVER!!
  16. 4 kids

    4 kids Guest

    4 kids

    Just a quick note to explain myself to all the haters out there. I did want to give my server the benefit of the doubt. When my friend told me of her experience, I knew that he truely did cross the line no matter what his intensions my have been. I did make a complaint and I will keep my children out of Logans. As for the comment about never making posts before......yes I use 4042.com all the time but choose not to make posts on the discussion group. I choose to make this post as a public awareness notation. I felt strongly about preparing local moms about this man since I was very unprepared when it happened to me. Take care and lets all be safe.
  17. #1mom

    #1mom Well-Known Member

    To the Biddie with the perfect picture that decribes you!

    Who's judging now???? Maybe the 4 kids poster has a life unlike you, you don't if all you have time for is to judge honest posters looking out for each others kids. My husband was trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, but he wanted a little more and that was not ok!! Sounds like you are one of the reasons that so many freaks get off of the hook soooo easily! You probably don't even have any kids and don't know what it is like to love someone or something more than yourself!! I don't normally waste my time on these threads because of biddies like you but I am supporting a good friend and backing her up with my story, we are not the same person either, I don't get my thrills by screwing people around, I don't get my thrills by other people trying to screw me around either!! Stop wasting our time and let the parents that have kids and love them more than theirselves speak up, you are taking up too much space on this thread, go speak where your words matter and get a life!!
  18. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

  19. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    :shock::allears::boxing::popcorn::popcorn: :lol:
  20. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    wow! Getting Deep......where's my boots??

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