I just noticed I'm over 11,000 posts. :hurray: I'm a winner! or looser who spends 2 much time on the board and not working!
At the rate kdc's going, she's going to outpost you soon HG! :lol: Remember when we could see who the top 10 posters were? I miss that feature.
Yeah, you are # 9. SB's a perfect 10 - we already knew that though. :grouphug: Member list, then click posts and it changes to who's on top.... Ken.
Oh! You're so smart! Who is/was Anonymous? Technically, that poster pushes me to 10th and SB to 11th, even though they don't post anymore. Fun to look through the list and see who is no longer around.
That was back during the furball attack of 05 OR webbie just deleted their names and made them anonymous?
OMG OMG OMG!!!! I don't want to work anymore today!!!!! :cuss::cuss: I feel like this :beathorse: and like this :banghead: and I just want to :boxing: somebody and then go :cheers: