Sounds like sour grapes from someone who was posting messages that did not add anything to the conversation and they got removed. And why are you even posting in the Johnston County political forum since you do not live here? We are trying to get good information in that area and really do not need your sophomoric comments and the sexual innuendo which seem to be the basis of most of your contributions.
learn for yourselves This pitter patter of speculation is almost silly. If you want to know why mean spirited attacks by Reeves of Rouzer are wrong just ask David Rouzer. I called him at his web site phone number. Wow! He answered and talked to me. Yes, he's a real live person, very pleasant, and we had a good conversation. He explained how these ads take a spark of truth and are distorted into virtual fairy tales. Try him yourself. Call 701-0037. And if you're a little shy to talk, go to Shine a little light on the belly of the beast. I'll vote for Rouzer.
Or he could man up and come on here and answer questions directly. What a concept. From today's N&O: Real simple question...did Mr Rouzer lobby for the law that Ms. Reeves referred to in her mailing and did Ted Kennedy support that bill?
One synopisis of The AGJOBS Act of 2007, sponsored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D- Calif.): Couple of interesting parts: Ag JOBS Atrocity The Ag JOBS Act would create a pilot program that provides work visas, called "blue cards," to guest workers who wish to work in the agricultural sector, regardless of whether they are currently illegally present. In sum, the Ag JOBS Act would grant amnesty to 1.5 million illegal agricultural workers and 1.8 million of their family members. Because it adopts a looser approach to the basic requirements that applicants must meet to be granted blue card status, this legislation would make it even easier for illegal immigrants to obtain legal status than under the Senate's comprehensive immigration bill. Three changes are especially significant: In order to be considered for blue card status, applicants would only have to prove that they worked in agriculture for "863 hours or 150 work days," in 2005 and 2006, using government employment records or "other reliable documentation as the alien may provide." The wide variety of valid documentation will only make it easier to fabricate documents. Applicants for blue card status would not need to return to their home countries before applying, as was required by a provision in the original immigration bill. Applicants with pending criminal charges and those who have been convicted of some misdemeanors can still receive amnesty. In addition to this amnesty, several provisions in the act would compound the illegal immigration problem: A confidentiality clause would bar the Department of Homeland Security from using an applicant's information for alternative purposes, such as enforcing federal immigration laws. Program participants are obligated to become citizens after 3 to 5 years of work in the agricultural sector. If a worker fails to do so, he will lose his visa and could be deported. Many migrant workers do not aspire to become citizens, and this provision would only discourage workers from joining the program. The amendment also protects workers of blue card status from being fired unless the employer has "just cause." This protection is not even afforded to those American workers who work on an "at will" basis in many states, where they can be fired for any reason or no reason. This clause could mire employers in legal proceedings if a worker feels that he has been unjustly fired and would be a large disincentive for employers to hire workers with a blue card. Simple question: Did David Rouzer lobby for this legislation?
"man up?"" I guess with the narrow minded idea that a person must respond on a forum to be a man, it indicates many people in this country are weenies since they do not monitor the constant ramblings of this magic box. I actually asked why he did not respond on a forum like this. Its simple. He's not a computer whiz, has never used a forum, and its time consuming for his slow keyboarding skills. Conversation is much faster and more thorough. He uses email but that is pretty much his limit. I know it may be unbelievable to this audience, but there are a lot of folks that do not live and die by what this little magic box does. So, why not "man up" and confront Rouzer AND/OR Reeves with 2 way conversation. Learn the facts and come back to this audience and post what you discover. But if you "man up" or "woman up," at least ask some probing questions and learn WHY we should vote for one of the other. Ask how the various "charges" were determined and why one attacks and the other does not. Ask hard, almost embarrassing questions. And when you furnish good, solid answers for well determined questions, I will then see that you "manned up" rather than made a weenie remark.
No offense but he could reach hundreds or thousands of interested voters here with a single posting and provide very detailed information. There is no way he could talk to each person individually and do the same thing.
So we want a State Senator to represent us that can't even figure out how to post on a message board and answer a simple question??? Funny, him or someone from his campaign figured out how to buy ad time on this message board, but they can't answer one simple questions with a yes or no: Did David Rouzer lobby for the AGJOBS Act of 2007, sponsored byDianne Feinstein (D- Calif.)?
This also shows you did not read the questions I asked. It is moronic to think legitmate questions don't deserve to be answered, it also shows a sense of elitism. Way to go!
so, who else is this person? i missed where your questions were dismissed on the other side, although i didn't read every post...
Things that make you go hmmmm.... On Rouzer's website and political brochures I've seen he identifies himself as an "agricultural consultant". So I guess that's the term you use to get around being called a lobbyist these days. I think the local GOP and Rouzer have the same problem that the DNC and Obama have: If your candidate has to whine about the heat in the primary you better look out for the opposition party in the General Election, because things are going to get hot!!!! Hey got room for a repentant republican in the local Democratic Party????? Think I might have to switch!!
The question was....With all the negativity seen on the news these days, What can they do to uplift the spirit of the community? P.S. I hate people who are robots. The ones who feel it is necessary to say their experience first then answer the question. It is unoriginal, and it is side stepping, and is dispassionate.
He won't do that because he knows they weren't legitimate. He just puffs up like a frog when he gets called out but provides nothing of substance. I saw his messages in the other area and besides his regular high school sexual innuendo posts for which he is legendary there was one that is now gone where he asked if the political candidates would still smile if they got elected. :roll:
I think it's pathetic that I was accused of saying that stuff. I am sick of you(meaning the dumb oaf who said I posted that **** ) crybabies not having reading comprehension.
So it was deleted? :roll: Since when were judges charged with lifting the spirits of the community? I thought you said you posted a legitimate question.