n.c. republican state senate candidate

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by barney726, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    After 24 hours, still no reply from Mr. Rouzer or his staff.
  2. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    Realitycheck -

    Here's a really off the wall, way-out-there, wacky idea.....why don't you attend the Strawberry Festival and ask him in person. Bizzarre I know but sometimes ya have to think outside the box.

    He will be attending the 2nd Congressional District Convention tomorrow. I certainly hope Mrs. Reeves attends since she is a registered Republican from the 2nd Congressional District.

    He will probably be at his booth after the Convention is over.

    I already know the answer but then again I have spent time learning about both candidates.

    David Rouzer has my vote.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  3. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    Realitycheck -

    Here's a really off the wall, way-out-there, wacky idea.....why don't you attend the Strawberry Festival and ask him in person. Bizzarre I know but sometimes ya have to think outside the box.

    He will be attending the 2nd Congressional District Convention tomorrow. I certainly hope Mrs. Reeves attends since she is a registered Republican from the 2nd Congressional District.

    He will probably be at his booth after the Convention is over.

    I already know the answer but then again I have spent time learning about both candidates.

    David Rouzer has my vote.
  4. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Please refer to my response in the Discussion Forum. I'm assuming that the web administrator wanted to keep this forum for the candidates and issues and not for personal snips between posters.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  5. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    I am attempting to learn about both candidates, but so far Mr. Rouzer has not responded to my email. Since one of his supporters on the other thread claimed he was not computer savvy enough to post a message on this forum, I thought I would make it easier for him by emailing, since the supporter stated email was about the only thing he did on a computer. (Of course that brings up another question about do you really want to vote for someone in this day and age who is that ignorant of how to use computers)

    Reps.Daughtry and Langdon, and Sen. Smith have always returned emails/phone calls when I contacted their office, maybe Mr. Rouzer could learn something from them.

    As far as my whereabouts tomorrow, Mr. Rouzer is seeking my vote, not the other way around....so I don't plan to spend $3.60 a gallon on gas to hunt him down.
    If he doesn't care enough about my vote or the 3 other voting members in my household, then so be it. But an email would cost him nothing.

    (Let's agree to confine our comments to this thread only and leave the "Meet the Candidates" forum clear of these type of exchanges)
  6. Centurian

    Centurian Well-Known Member

    Mr. Rouzer probably understands that meeting folks in person (pressing the flesh) will earn more votes than e-mails.

    Remember also that the state Representatives and Senators all have paid Legislative Assistants to type those e-mail replies.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2008
  7. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    "I am attempting to learn about both candidates, but so far Mr. Rouzer has not responded to my email. Since one of his supporters on the other thread claimed he was not computer savvy enough to post a message on this forum, I thought I would make it easier for him by emailing, since the supporter stated email was about the only thing he did on a computer. (Of course that brings up another question about do you really want to vote for someone in this day and age who is that ignorant of how to use computers)

    Reps.Daughtry and Langdon, and Sen. Smith have always returned emails/phone calls when I contacted their office, maybe Mr. Rouzer could learn something from them."

    Realitycheck -

    Your comments come across as condescending in nature. I do not know if that is what you were attempting to achieve or not. You come across as a person who has no intention of giving Mr. Rouzer your vote. You have dug your heels in for Mrs. Reeves and am working towards making sure that others read your posts and walk away with negative thoughts towards Mr. Rouzer. That is not an attempt to learn about a candidate.

    Mr. Rouzer's "Campaign Staff" consists of some of your own neighbors right here in Johnston County. They along with Mr. Rouzer are working hard in a Primary election to reach as many voters as possible. Just as I am sure Mrs. Reeves is.

    In addition, I will say that everytime I've had any emails between myself and Mrs. Reeves there would be days in between prior to receiving a response from her. I did not expect her to be sitting on top of her computer waiting for MY email just so she could do nothing else in this campaign but email with me. I waited and attempted to be adult enough to realize that she might just be busy campaigning. Of course, I could have gone around spreading the word to friends and neighbors that Mrs. Reeves, nor her campaign staff, had responded to my email and it's been 24 hours. Maybe I should have, but I didn't.

    Upon personal connections with both candidates and spending my time learning about both candidates.......

    Mr. Rouzer has my vote.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  8. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    "I am attempting to learn about both candidates, but so far Mr. Rouzer has not responded to my email. Since one of his supporters on the other thread claimed he was not computer savvy enough to post a message on this forum, I thought I would make it easier for him by emailing, since the supporter stated email was about the only thing he did on a computer. (Of course that brings up another question about do you really want to vote for someone in this day and age who is that ignorant of how to use computers)

    Reps.Daughtry and Langdon, and Sen. Smith have always returned emails/phone calls when I contacted their office, maybe Mr. Rouzer could learn something from them."

    Realitycheck -

    Your comments come across as condescending in nature. I do not know if that is what you were attempting to achieve or not. You come across as a person who has no intention of giving Mr. Rouzer your vote. You have dug your heels in for Mrs. Reeves and am working towards making sure that others read your posts and walk away with negative thoughts towards Mr. Rouzer. That is not an attempt to learn about a candidate.

    Mr. Rouzer's "Campaign Staff" consists of some of your own neighbors right here in Johnston County. They along with Mr. Rouzer are working hard in a Primary election to reach as many voters as possible. Just as I am sure Mrs. Reeves is.

    In addition, I will say that everytime I've had any emails between myself and Mrs. Reeves there would be days in between prior to receiving a response from her. I did not expect her to be sitting on top of her computer waiting for MY email just so she could do nothing else in this campaign but email with me. I waited and attempted to be adult enough to realize that she might just be busy campaigning. Of course, I could have gone around spreading the word to friends and neighbors that Mrs. Reeves, nor her campaign staff, had responded to my email and it's been 24 hours. Maybe I should have, but I didn't.

    Upon personal connections with both candidates and spending my time learning about both candidates.......

    Mr. Rouzer has my vote.
  9. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    jumpinforjoy, your comments come off as those of an aggressive, confrontational, arrogant SHILL for mr rouzer. i don't know if you were attempting to achieve that or not. your words come across as those of someone looking for any reason to post something that is anti-reeves no matter what. this type of post drives me away from the people that they are supposedly in support of, and i bet i'm not alone...
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  10. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    Condescending??? Pot meet keetle. Yes I am very condescending at this point, because when people who have been on the board a while start asking questions and discussing issues, newbies start posting on here and trying to discuss everything about the candidates but those issues. Maybe you would you like to reveal your connection to the Rouzer campaign? Its obvious from your posts you are at least a volunteer, maybe even a paid part of his campaign. dangerboy sees through it also....a shill is a shill.

    Neither candidate has my vote at this point, because I don't know anything other than their websites about them, and the mailings I've received from Ms. Reeves. Mr. Rouzer hasn't sent mailings to my home and won't even respond to a simple email. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter. If either one is elected, that will be sitting on the back row of the NC Senate, as the Democrats will be in charge and they will do the same thing that Fred Smith has done for the last 6 years for the district: nothing of any importance.

    Its because of newbies like you that I sent the email to Mr. Rouzer to start with:

    The above quote from one of Mr. Rouzer's own supporters. If he can buy ads on this discussion board, I would think he could respond Yes or No to a specific email question. Seems he has enough time to answer the phone, he could answer an email now and then......unless he's afraid the answer isn't one the majority will like, so he's having to figure out the "politician" way of answering without really answering.

    You might want to quit worshipping at Mr. Rouzer's feet long enough to explore some other forums. You might find that some other people are getting a little concern about how politics in the Johnston County GOP is being handled. Its a forum I've not posted on yet, because just from reading..........I'm learning some great information.


    If the local Democrat Party doesn't take advantage of some of this in the General Election, they really are inept.
  11. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    48 HOURS: Still no response from Mr. Rouzer or his campaign
  12. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    see the rouzer/reeves thread in the candidates forum. i spoke at length with mr rouzer this morning...
  13. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    4 DAYS: Still no response from Mr. Rouzer or his campaign staff.
  14. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I was not able to get to the Strawberry Festival until around 1:30pm on Saturday. The Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce once again put together a very successful festival. Bravo! to GCCC!

    I need to correct an earlier comment I left on this thread last week. Many weeks ago I was told that Mr. Rouzer would be attending the 2nd Congressional District Convention. It seems that at some point Mr. Rouzer made the decision to host a booth at the festival. He was at the festival the entire day.

    While walking around and running into many friends from around the county, I walked by Mrs. Reeves booth. There were 3 individuals sitting down behind the table at the time enjoying a conversation amongst themselves. I am not sure if Mrs. Reeves was one of the individuals or not. What I mean is that, I don't know if she was one of the three individuals sitting in on the conversation or she was walking around at the festival. I am assuming that Mrs. Reeves was at the festival the entire day but I don't know that for fact.

    I strolled towards Mr. Rouzer's booth. He was standing outside of the booth, shaking hands and talking with everyone. As I approached him, he reached out his hand to shake mine and say hello. We enjoyed a very nice short conversation. I did not want to take up much of his time as he was campaigning hard and Mr. Rouzer already has my vote.

    There was a stark contrast as to the way the 2 candidates were making use of their opportunity to campaign.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Wow, I don't have a horse in this race.................but are you complaining that the candidate wasn't available at the booth the very minute you went by?? Could it be she had to take a potty break or went to get a bite to eat?? Have you ever actually worked a booth in a setting like that? It's exhausting! Last one I did I was completely hoarse by the end of the day. Correct me if I have misinterpreted your post, or if you went by several times and the candidate was unavailable. :?
  16. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I bet he was sooooooo excited to have such a stimulating conversation with such a conversationalist. Yippeeeeeeee!
  17. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    i went by 4 times between 8 am and noon and she was at the tent each time
  18. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    How about that!! 8)
  19. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    You are asking me if I was complaining, no I was not complaining. Because of the meer fact that individuals on this site enjoy and almost seem to take pleasure in attacking an individual who is attempting to participate in a conversation on this site, one might think that the candidates are showing a sense of intelligence in not coming onto this site and trying to engage in conversation or answer questions.

    You read my post and without having any clue as to my demeanor are asking me if I was complaining. You went to the negative.

    I was expressing my personal experience. There was no complaining within my post. In fact I went back added the part of what I meant because I truly believed that individuals on this site would do nothing more than see my profile name attached to the post and go negative. I made a sincere attempt to explain that I did not know if Mrs. Reeves was one of the 3 individuals and in addition I did not know if she was walking around shaking hands and in addition I did not know if she was there the entire day. I do not know the answer to those 3 so I stated that I did not know.

    I have not met Mrs. Reeves in person. I have received her mailers. I have been to her website. The picture I viewed on her website several weeks ago is not similar to the picture on her mailers. So, having not met Mrs. Reeves before I was not able to be positive if the woman who had her back to me at the time was Mrs. Reeves or not.

    I past by her booth a few times. I was up and down the route on both sides enjoying the afternoon. I only stopped at her booth the one time. I browsed at the table, 3 people were having a conversation, none of the 3 acknowledged my presence, I did not interrupt the conversation, I had the info which was on the table, so I went on to the booth next store, as I did through the entire route.

    When I got closer to Mr. Rouzer's booth I was greeted in an entirely different manner.

    Those were my personal experiences. I am not complaining. I am simply sharing my personal experiences, that's all, nothing more, nothing less.

    For those of you who consistantly take the negative road, maybe you should take a moment and consider the fact that you honestly do not know a posters' emotions which are behind what is in the written word. I was asked if I was complaining, there was no thought or attempt at posting a complaint yet someone, at least one person, was considering that to be what I might be doing. The individual was incorrect.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
  20. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    "I bet he was sooooooo excited to have such a stimulating conversation with such a conversationalist. Yippeeeeeeee!"

    hmm, now how can I say this and still walk away a Lady....

    Yes, Mr. Rouzer was soooooooo excited to have such a stimulating conversation with such a conversationalist.

    could you hear the sarcasm in my tone?

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