Great . . .her name had to be Michelle!?! It's not me, I swear. The last thing I want at my age is a baby.
Ha! Been there done that only my DD dropped her phone in the ocean! Water and cell phones do not mix. :cry:
I need some ice cream. Not just ANY ice cream either . . . I want Porter's sugar free chocolate! YUMMMMM
Thank goodness we had some old phones we just called and had them activate one of them with his number.
today is going to be a long day!!! its only 7:34 and my co worker is driving me *** nuts! anyone need a new coworker that talks to her self and asks stupid questions all friggin day long??? ill be happy to let you have her!:twisted:
No that is ok, we have a few at my own work that is like that..take this one.. He will grab anything and use it as a fake microphone and start singing and go come on Sheri sing with me! Of course it was funny the first time, but now it's getting old cause he can't sing. Sheri
na, but at least you have people that talk, I pulled in the parking lot this morning and it was a ghost town!
yep, that is just what my kid said to me, thank god I'm not like that. She did ask why they were like that..I told her it was the parents that make them like that. My daughter said about the boy, is that a girl? haha
My neice has done that 3 times, and then she went with out a phone for 6 months because she needed to learn how to care for it.
a friend of mine washed her iPod, she was so ****ed at herself! I am waiting for the time I wash my phone, I am bad for leaving it in my pockets.
:hurray: HAPPY FRIDAY COOL PEOPLES!!!!! I got up at 6:30 - made coffee for DH and his brother, started the dishwasher, made the bed, cleaned the living room, ate breakfast, made Shelby her brekfast, got my coffee, took my meds and now starting my first load of laundry. It's amazing what you can get done if you get up early. Going for a walk with my SIL and then work out. Ahhh... gonna be a GREAT day!