Are ya'll sure there hasn't been a time warp, and it's really a Monday??:boxing: I'm going to HURT someone! :evil:
I tried to teach him what to put in with what I guess I forgot to say no phones! LOL wonder what would have happened if it went in the dryer! Seems when I do laundry I don't find much $$ but when DS takes clothes out of the dryer he finds money.
Any good deals on carpet out there? I want new carpet in my home office and our bonus room. HATE this white-ish berber.
I am craving a Fisher/Rex Pimento Cheese Samich! Which means I will probably be at DR Wells in the next little bit.
There are yard sales EVERYWHERE tomorrow! Do I want to get up early and go so I can buy stuff I don't need or do I want to sleep in? Bargain vs. sleep. A real dilemma here!
I am just really tired. My Dr switched my meds and I was taking a med with a high steroid in it and just got taken off of it this week I had been on it for over 4 months so I am not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I for the past couple days feel like I am gonna fall a sleep standing up. BUT Good news is I have the house to myself this weekend so I can sleep and not get woke up early with whats for breakfast mommy. Which brings me to another random thought .......... why do you have to just about drag kids out the bed on school days but on weekends they are up at 7 am ????????
Oh dear heavens Jesus ain't that the truth... I want the Golden Coral frying pan in the mornings when the kids do that! GONG! Go back to sleep... Go back to sleep PLEASE!! :lol:
You know after awhile....Drinking Diet Coke still tastes like freaking diet coke! I Thought the taste would grow on you...:cry:
It never grows on you! Well, at least not me! I was informed this morning , I can have no more soda's, sugar, or caffine in anything I drink. Oh wait, I am allowed tea caffine free .I can have all the freakin 100% juice I want but I am not suppose to have nothing else but pretty much water oh and milk. I may not be able to do it. I'd rather have my soda and coffee than food. I am gonna be a sad sad lady with out my mountain dew.