I have to go buy a new bathing suit so I can be ready for the sun this 3 day weekend! :hurray: Morning everyone.
Sorry to be the "joy-sucker"!! But I have to be excited for a 5 day weekend!! Which does mean I have to get a buttload of stuff done here at work today... so y'all have a good one.. I'm going to try to be good and not be a little 4042 addict today! :mrgreen:
I'm used to it by now..hopfully I get this new job that I'm looking into..but that won't be much different either as far as hours go. just more money
I get a 3 day weekend every year for my birthday!!! Yea!!! :hurray::hurray: Don't hate me Michele :mrgreen:
I know, I'm ready for Friday (lunch) :mrgreen: A special someone is bringing me a surprise Friday at lunch. :grouphug: (girl if you make me cry :boxing: ) :lol: I wonder if I could sneak away to go to the pool today?
*cough cough* You're sick! :mrgreen: Don't you feel bad already? Ahhh... nice and quiet house again! :hurray:
i tried on 2 there last weekend and was not pleased. think i will try kohls. bellys a growlin....need food!