When I do something stupid, I call myself a re-My Friend outloud...but then I'm also quick to tell anyone within earshot that they better not agree! :boxing: :jester:
I feel for you, I can't stand someone who keeps up a running commentary. I know one guy who whistles, tunelessly, drives me INSANE when I am in the office with him. I've actually had to politely ask him to stop.........................before I popped his head off. :mrgreen:
oh gosh! yes that would drive me up the wall too!! and the sad thing is our offices arent that close together!
When my door is shut AND I AM WORKING ON PAYROLL why do morons insist on knocking and asking stupid questions that could so obviously wait til I get finished?!!!! :evil: :banghead:
I had a boss like that about 6 years ago. She'd read EVERYTHING out loud. If she were IMing someone, she'd read what they'd say and then say her response out loud before typing it. I wanted to scream! I know your pain!
Here's my random thought for the day... I'm HOT! The a/c isn't working on my floor. It's supposed to be back on by 11am, but I'm getting to be very miserable, very quickly.
Hence I'm cruising the message boards and stuff right now. I'd even help you stuff envelopes if the office had a/c!