I guess I had better go see the doctor as the heartburn seems to keep coming back. It was okay earlier today and now it's bad again. Hugh...good price for what you are taking, I need to check into that because I am buying the over the counter stuff that costs a fortune. Anyhow, took some more medicine and hope it goes away. Feel horrible. Probably be better tomorrow but I will make a doctors appt. Thanks to all, Sherry
Yep, I paid over the counter for a few months and even at BJs prices I had to rethink things. Glad to here you are going to the Doctor, this is not anything to mess with.
I just did not think it was that big of a deal but I swear when I start hurting I feel like I'm going to die. So, thanks to those who suggested I see the doctor as I am taking that advice. Sherry
hey girl, glad to see you back safe and sound! hope you enjoyed you vaca? that is where you went right?
Good, hope if goes well for you and you get some relief soon, I will tell you I went thru the heartburn clinic at rex because I didnt like my first doc!! just an FYI if you needed a suggestion!
Yep, was on vacation to a cabin in the mountains of VA, had a fabulous time, even did the 17 mile Virginia Creeper Trail on our bicycles..................it was all down hill, thank the good Lord! :lol:
All suggestions are welcome. I just did not know heartburn was that serious. I have had it for a while but it is worse now. Thank you so much. I am going to follow up with my doctor and may ask to be referred to Rex. Sherry
heartburn (acid reflux) can be very serious if not treated, my mom has had 3 major surgeries to repair the damage done my hers. So yes it can be!!
That sounds nice, 17 miles up or down hill is still alot!! Glad to see ya back tho, missed seeing you around!
I told erry body you were on vacation....no one believed me.....I knew you would never just leave us.... Welcome Back!! Let's get this short week STARTED!! :hurray::hurray:
Awww! I'm feeling the love this morning! :cheers: :grouphug: :lol: Things were crazy before I left, no time for 4042, LOL. We had fun, but there is no place like home. 8)