I have a black snake that crawled into my garage. What do i do?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by BeachGirl, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    Truth be known a lot of your older homes have snakes that live under them, this is how people would control the rodents from getting in the house. My brother use to be a plumber and would always see snakes that lived under houses!! I love them we have one for a pet when I was younger!! They will not hurt you for sure!!
  2. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I don't do snakes.

    I'm awfully sorry, but they can live just as peacefully as they want to, around or under my house, but when they start coming in.....well....somebodys gonna have to go, either me or the snake, by whatever means necessary, period.
  3. soulshine

    soulshine Well-Known Member

    Years ago a friend and I were out by my pool. A black snake crawled across the deck and she start screaming bloody murder so my husband killed the snake. The thing was that year I noticed there weren't any spiders around my pool and I had a problem with them before. I figured out later that it was the snake keeping the spiders away. So I had a friend of mine catch me a black snake and I released him under the pool decking. I named him George and he stayed around all year and was in the pool shed the next spring. He kept the spiders away and these spiders look like tarantulas when they get in the water and are magnified. They are 10 times worse than a snake!
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I would still be running if that had happened to me.

    I still stick by my original post - - - - MOVE! :lol:
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Question for all of you who say you have snakes in your garage . . . did you leave the garage door open or can they get in even with it closed. I'm thinking that I'm gonna go home and HIDE the remote controls that open the garage door. I'm skeered to death of snakes, even helpful ones.
  6. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    They can even come in through the dryer vent thingy. I know they like to curl up around the water heater too.

    BTW I am right there with ya Michelle- RUNNING & HIDING!

  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    michelle, LOL, snakes can get in your garage door open or closed.....they can 'get flat' ......just don't think about it. :)
  8. fizzco

    fizzco Well-Known Member

    don't snakes usually live near some sort of body of water?

    i had a beige snake in my yard a couple of years ago and luckily my neighbor heard me and rescued me!!!! he said it WAS poisonouse and I really wouldn't know the difference!!!

    and i don't live near water

    i agree with michelle move if i saw another one I don't even think i would pack!!!!!!
  9. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    Ya know I was gonna go in the shed today and start cleaning it out but now all this snake talk I think I will just stay right here!

    When I was little living in Florida my grandma saw something curled up sleeping on the bed by my feet and she left and went got grandpa. It was a grass snake. She didn't wake me up til they got back and grandpa got the snake. I stood on the dining room table all day after that.
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    let me add to the fear even more......

    I had one (about 6ft long) come through the dishwasher pipes and was coiled up right in front of my dryer....it brushed my leg as I reached to get something out of the dryer.....I nearly had HEART FAILURE when I looked down to see what it was.....ran right out the front door in my undies and a t-shirt....screaming my head off.....LOL....there was a guy mowing the grass in the complex ( lived in an apt at the time) and he came got the snake out.....from that point on, and even to this day, belts laying on the floor make me jumpy.....LOL......
  11. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    It would really depend what kind of snake it was. Snakes can go months without drinking water or eating.
  12. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    Another story and not the least bit helpful! LOL!

    I was working around a pond one day when I lived up in rural NY. There are HUGE black snakes up there. I thought I had left a black garden hose lying by the edge of the pond. Imagine my horror when I bent over to pick it up and it MOVED. Had to have been at least 6 feet long, and really fat. Screamed my head off and gave the neighbors a great laugh.

    (PS: Don't kill it!)
  13. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    When HG's hubby put my alarm in he found 2 snakes skins in my attic!! They are still there unless they left on there on. As long as they dont bother me they can have the attic!!
  14. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    I would not want to kill it as I care about animals, but at the same time my husband would have to put it in a box and take it FAR FAR FAR away from my house so I knew it was not around. I am DEATHLY afraid of them and if I even knew that he was in my garage I wouldn't be able to go in. I guess I'd have to poney up the $300 if nobody was around but luckily I have alot of folks who would gladly deal with it for me. I am constantly on the lookout for them in my yard and have yet to see one (thank you Jesus!) but I know the day will come when we cross paths and you will not see me move faster than I will when that day comes!!
  15. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

  16. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Well, since everyone is sharing stories :lol:

    When my family lived in our first house a couple streets over my husband, who is terrified of snakes, was mowing the grass. There was one on the side of the house laying flush up against the brick base. Must have been at least 5 feet long. He comes to get me!!! :lol::lol::lol: (gotta love him).....So what do I do?? I tried to catch it! LOLOL, as long as they are not poisonous I want to play with them! So after a couple failed attempts of trying to catch him the snake scampered away and went right into the undercarriage of my husbands jeep! LOLOLOL....OMG!!! He was soooooo *issed at me all day and night. Loved it!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

    But I didn't get to play with him :?
  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Ok, time to sell the jeep!!

    I have a story too. One day my hubby and I were out doing yard work and I wanted to move a stepping stone over so I picked it up and there looking me eye to eye was a baby copperhead. I kid you not, this fat girl screamed, dropped the stepping stone and was in the house before that snake could blink! I wouldn't go outside for the rest of the day and you can believe one thing - - I don't go picking up stepping stones anymore!

    I am so afraid of snakes that I will not go in a pet store that sells them. I can't even look at pictures of them because I will have horrible nightmares. I know, I'm just a big ol scaredy cat.
  18. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Then I guess I don't ever have to worry about you coming to my house, since I have 5 for pets.

  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    LEAVE it alone. It will keep you rodent free!
  20. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    You forgot to mention that not only do we have 5 as pets, but that I have relocated 2 black snakes (probably same one twice in all reality) this year not to mention the small copperhead that was near the dog pen last week or so.

    Copperhead was about a foot long and had great markings and color. Black snake(s) was about 5-6 foot long. And the most recent movement of said black snake involved waiting till it had finished eating it's lunch (some form of rodent).


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