I'm looking to install or to get wireless installed in my home. I currently have roadrunner. I'm aware that Time Warner also has wireless available for another $9.95mo. I'm trying to find out if there is another way to get wireless in my home without paying anything extra or another company that offers wireless for less then Time warners 44.95 (roadrunner) plus 9.95 (wirless) I will be using a desktop and a laptop. Thanks!
Which modem do you have now? If it's just a modem and not a modem/wireless router that TW offers, you can buy your own wireless router and wireless adapters/cards for each computer. Set them up properly and you're good to go. And you're $44.95/mo bill should have gone up. Mine did, to $49.95/mo.
I'm guessing I don't have the modem/wireless. I already have a wireless card for the laptop. I just wasn't sure if buying a wireless router would work because when I plug the laptop in. I have to shut the modem down and restart it. It only allows one mac address at a time. I have to do this whenever I switch from desktop to laptop using the lan line. Would I still have this problem by adding a wireless modum? I want to have 2 active connections
Have you tried Embarq, They have various packages, I have dsl with wireless router (they supplied) and with my home phone the wireless is 24.99/month. last i heard, they were offering free dish, local service and internet for under $100 month.
i have RR too and with the wireless modem my son hooked up, we had at one time 3 computers running off it simultaneously with no problem. He bought it i believe at Best Buy and just hooked it up with no problem at all.
I was going to check into it. If I can just buy a wireless router and have no problems with roadrunner. I would like to go that way. Hopefully someone can let me know if that will work or not. I have checked into embarq. I however won't switch to Dish. I have directv and have had it for 11yrs. I'm still able to carry ABC,NBC,ABC & FOX feeds from east coast and west coast plus get local stations. So I get a lot of football games without paying the high price. If I give up those stations I won't be able to get them back. They are actually illegal to optain anymore, but I was grandfathered in
glad to help, we even went one more step and got a wireless printer so now i can be on my laptop downstairs and hit print and it prints on my printer upstairs in the office, i love the wireless thing.
I have RR also and just bought the wireless router and the wireless USB adapter they work great, and more than one computer. Got mine at Staples.
I had a modem/wireless router combo (Netgear) from TWC. Two of them went bad in a short time. I took the second one back and asked for a just a modem (Motorola Surfboard). Then I bought my own wireless router. I already had my own wireless PCI adapters/cards in my towers. Been running that way for over two years. Never had an extra charge for wireless home networking. I have had three towers, one laptop, and up to three more towers or laptops on a hub, all at the same time through my router.
Thank you all for the help. I got a wireless N router from Bestbuy and hooked it up and had wireless within 10min. Works great! Thanks again
Grammie, Could you tell me what kind of router and USB adapter you bought. And can you (or someone) tell me what a good price is on them and maybe the best place to buy? Thanks
Make sure you change the defaults on the router and add encryption so it is secure. I would recommend turning SSID broadcast off as well.
I have a wireless printer too and I love it! Mine is an HP inkjet, and its an all-in-one machine. Printer, scanner & copier. I bought it at Best Buy and think I paid about $129 about a year ago for it.
:iagree: We also added a repeater to ensure good coverage upstairs since the router was on one outside wall downstairs and there was some spotty coverage upstairs on the other end of the house.