Apple Macbook/Macbook pro/Imac

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by jokerswilds75, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. jokerswilds75

    jokerswilds75 Well-Known Member

    Anyone have any hands on information about these. I currently own a desktop pc and a laptop. I am tired of the constant windows updates, constant error msg's and just the overall frustrations of pc's versus what little frustrations I have seen and heard with Apple.
    So does anyone else have anything good or bad to say about Apple? I haven't much if any talk on here about them.
  2. FoxChassis

    FoxChassis Well-Known Member

    Have you considered Linux for your desktop and laptop? Linux is free (or close to free) and can be installed on your existing computers, so you will not have the extra expense of buying another desktop and or laptop.
  3. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Apple is the Porche of laptops. Same steel as a GM or a Ford just a fancier style and name. Unless you have a direct need for the things a Mac does better it's not worth it. If they'd get off the high horse price they'd be more acceptable.
  4. Rcskip

    Rcskip Well-Known Member

    I love mine!!!

    I love my macs. Support can't be beat. A real, live person (in the flesh) is as close as your nearest Apple Store, which is Crabtree and Southpoint around here. The applecare plan protects your hardware for 3 yrs. My superdrive was replaced in 10 minutes--no questions asked.
    It does take some time adjusting to the commands of a different OS but they offer free classes to help you acclimate as well as one to one sessions for a $99 annual fee. This allows you 1 hr a week for the entire year.
    I have had mine for almost 2 yrs with absolutely no software problems. No anti-virus updates, no defragmenting, and no wanting to throw the computer out the window:hurray:
  5. jokerswilds75

    jokerswilds75 Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm not exactly sure what I want. What I don't want is the constant error msg's, updates and so on the seem to come with pc's. I'm always haveing to uninstall and reinstall programs.
    I have played with Mac's a little and was very impressed with it and the optional software.
    My plan would to be to part with my dell desktop and my gateway laptop and get two macbooks for my wife and I.

    Anyone looking for a desktop or laptop?
  6. traveler

    traveler Well-Known Member

    I got my first Mac this past December and if everthing (including my company) wasn't so damn dependant on PC's I would throw them all out and buy a MacBook in a minute. I could even really care less about the extra $.

    It did take a little getting used the the commands but compared to the headaches a PC gives you - it was NOTHING!!! Also, unless you need a really large harddrive or a superdrive the basic MacBook will do - they are around $1100.00.

    Just depends on your budget and what you are going to use it for.
  7. jokerswilds75

    jokerswilds75 Well-Known Member

    well we sold our laptop and desktop pc's and now have 2 macbooks and love them. Wasn't too bad of a deal with a NCSU discount. Specially with software.
    Thanks for the info

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