My 6th grade son won the Student Council election at Middle School! He is the class Treasurer for this school year. talk about proud!! :hurray:
Aww, that's great! And congrats to the rest of you proud moms/dads out there. It's nice to have some good news for a change! You forced me to add mine :mrgreen: my dd's just been accepted at UNC-G and her GPA makes her an NC Academic Scholar a West this year! (hope that will help with some scholarships........:neutral
Congrats to all. And since we're bragging, my daughter just received another scholarship. I guess they keep coming throughout the college years?
Anybody know where I can find a jacket like Sandy wore on Grease? Thrift store anywhere?? Pink Ladies??
I wanna brag too!!! Trying to think...My oldest got 102 on his spelling test last week, does that count?? And my middle one finished t-ball last night and is verrrry proud of his trophy, therefore, I am very proud of his trophy! My youngest still is not potty trained though, but when he is I will be the proudest mommy around!! (and happy, will be doing a happy dance for all to see, I've been changing diapers non-stop for almost 9 years straight!)
Oh Yeah!!! I'm with you on the potty training!!! My youngest will be 3 in December...I'm ready to be done with diapers too!!!!!!!!!
OOhhh I'll brag too I am a "proud mommy" everyday. To see my kids happy and enjoying life is my reward. Now if I can get my youngin completely out of pull-ups..... I will be beyond proud. She knows about underwear, potty and knows what she needs to do when she needs to go...she just lazy at times :mrgreen:
I think there were about 5 months in between the 2 oldest, but that's it, it's been non-stop other than that! And people keep asking when #4 is coming? Never! I want to be done with diapers FOREVER! I know the end is near, he just turned 3, so I keep telling myself the end is coming, I can see the light. My other 2 were trained by now, but this one is the most stubborn yet! He knows he's the baby, and he's enjoying it I guess.
I saw one online at a Halloween shop! It was cute! Of course, you wouldn't get it in time for Friday!
Turtle - Go look at Kohls ... they had in the women's section black cropped type jackets. Some were VERY 80's looking..... KD was with me. KD - Would those pass as "Sandy" jackets???