Another family doc question....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by englishbullymom, Nov 14, 2008.

  1. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    I have a doctor question in light of the other doc. recommendation post but I didn’t want to steal that thread so here goes. I currently see an internal medicine doc in the garner area and have been unhappy for the past couple of years. I am “required” to go in every 6 months for blood work because I have high cholesterol and don’t want to take prescription drugs b/c I’m 27, exercise regularly, eat healthy, low blood pressure, nonsmoker, no family history of heart diseases, etc. The cholesterol is inherited and I made a calculated decision to not take a drug for the rest of my life right now. So the compromise was that I’d come in every 6 months to monitor my cholesterol. Which was fine with me and I’ve done it now for 2 years. My problem is that when I go in, the doc shows up at least 40 minutes late, then she hasn’t even reviewed my chart to see how my cholesterol has changed, I have to remind her who I am and why I’m there, then we have the same discussions/arguments every single time. I leave feeling flustered every visit and I’m tired of it. The practice will not let me switch to another doc within their practice because of the conflicts it could cause between physicians.

    So, I’ve heard so many of you rave about the Horizon’s practice physicians but I have a little anxiety of switching docs…I’m apprehensive about having a male doc. I know, I know I’m a grown up, but I’ve never had a male physician before and I’m just not sure how I’d feel about it.:oops: I do have a female GYN whom I see annually for a checkup, but anytime I go to my regular physician for checkups/physicals you still have to undress to your undies so they can do breast exams and all the other stuff. I just think I’d feel really uncomfortable with a male for that and any “female” things I might want to bring up. I’ve asked around for recommendations for a wonderful female internest/physician, but no one seems to have rave reviews for one. So I’m thinking maybe there is something to having a good male physician?? Beyond the cholesterol thing, I’m pretty healthy and rarely see a doc for colds or anything. Couldn’t tell you the last time I had an antibiotic for anything. But I strongly believe in annual checkups and physicals so I need to feel comfortable with my physician. My annual/6mo. appointment is due in January for my current doc so I need to do something soon. Do you think a consultation with Horizon might be a good test drive? I’ve always heard of doing consults but never have. What’s involved with a consultation? They would be super convenient since I live at Cleveland/42 and I go to Dr. Vinson right beside them for Invisalign right now. Any suggestions or comments? And thanks for listening to my long story:oops:
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Do you eat a bowl of oatmeal everyday? I am not talking about the sweetened packets of it. And not the 1 minutes oats. It is the one you need to cook for 5 minutes that is the one that does good for the cholestrol. IMO. Just a suggestion.
  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Both Docs at Horizon are professionals. You need not worry about anything with them. I've worked with some of those high falutin' physicians who think they are the Heirs of Hippocrates. These folks are so down to earth. And, you are the best determiner of your health. If your internist doesn't value your business, find someone who does.
  4. tatertot36

    tatertot36 Well-Known Member

    Female at Horizon

    There is a new MD at Horizon - her name is Verlicer. I do not know much about her but thought you might want to know if you want to use that group and a female this might be a option.

  5. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Does Horizon have a web site?

    I've read some web reviews that were not positive about the office staff ... saying they are rude/not friendly and calls are not returned. Just wondering if others' experiences have been. Is it hard to get an appointment? Can you usually get same day sick appointments?
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2008
  6. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    My son goes to Horizon in clayton.
    Dr. Harris is great. Very friendly, and really pays attention.
    He has seen Dr. Williams once, he was very nice too.
    I have had no problems from the staff at Horizon, they were all quite nice.
    They try their best to get you a same day sick appt.
    sometimes they can, other times they can't.
    Number is 359-1011
    I have nothing but good things to say about them.
    I have to pick up my son's prescription every month, and I never have a problem.

    Good Luck to you!!
  7. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    Thanks ya'll for the responses. I think I might have to try them out. To answer your question Robbie, I have tried the real oatmeal and all the other usual suspects. The best thing that seems to work for me is exercise 4-6days/week and fish oil. Oatmeal seems to work great for keeping my dad's cholesterol down.
  8. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Good Luck there finding a better doctor. Seems like you have overstayed your welcome at your original doctor. Time to move on, the next doctor will have different cures and strategies that just might be your cure.
  9. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    I feel the same way about a male doc, so I actually still go to Greenville once a year for my GYN visit! (She delivered all three kids!)

    However, I have never been asked to undress to be examined by Dr. Williams when I go in with strep, bronchitis, etc. Only my GYN does my breast exams.

    I have to have my blood monitored for several things, and they take the blood in the lab at Horizon and let me know the results fairly quickly. The entire staff has always been very friendly to me, and Dr. Williams never comes in the room without having checked my charts and talking to me about me, my family, etc.
  10. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    Thank you All Children for the info on the labwork! That was my next question. Also, was there any reason you chose Dr. Williams over the other doc there that people like or was he just the one you saw first? They both sound very nice. I was lucky enough to find a GYN here in Raleigh who I absolutely adore. After all the exam work, she has you get dressed and meet her in her office to sit down and discuss everything! I really value that kind of attention in a physician and just having them be thorough. Thanks again!
  11. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    I originally went to a different practice. I had the female doctor, and my husband had Dr. Williams. When Dr. Williams moved, my husband went to the new practice, and I went after several things that happened at the old practice that I was very unhappy about. I've been very happy with Horizon.
  12. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Have you reported this old practice, if you feel their ways are NOT human?
  13. All Children First

    All Children First Well-Known Member

    For any complaint I had, they did not do any tests (not even blood work) and simply gave me a prescription. I had an infection that they insisted was just a migraine. (No tests, labs, just "Oh, well that's just a headache.") The nurse came in, gave me a shot without saying anything to me, and then said, "I hope you have someone who can drive you home since you can't drive after having this shot." (All three of my children were in the exam room with me (ages 2, 4, and 5) because my husband was in RTP working a 12-hour night shift.) That was the final visit I had at a practice where I never even met the doctor since only nurse practitioners ever saw me.

    When I switched practices, the tests revealed the infection and I was given the appropriate medicine that ended the problems I was having.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  14. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    THe nursing staff at Horizon in CLayton is great but the check out receptionist is a ditz. I love Dr Dawkins....He listens and he cares.
  15. juliejam

    juliejam Member

    I am a HUGE fan of Dr. Williams at Horizon. I have never felt uncomfortable with him at all. He does all my exams, including my pap AND he delievered my youngest. We LOVE him.

    I have never had a problem with anyone on his staff. The check out girl may sound ditzy, but she doesn't really "act" like it. She is VERY sweet and friendly. His nurse, Debbie, is a total angel. I love them all and I am VERY hard to please.

    I am usually able to get same day sick appointments. I say ususally, because I will only see Dr. Williams. I am sure the others are great, but I am partial to him and I trust him implicitly. If he absolutely can not see me, then I will wait a day. They do always offer for me to see someone else, but I just won't do it.

    Well, I can't say enough good stuff about Dr. Williams. I hope you'll take the chance and check him out.
  16. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Here's my 2 cents, if you're still looking for opinions...

    I have been going there for 4 years, but my hubby has been going for 5 or so. He sees Dr Williams and was in the same exact boat as you when he first started there. His cholesterol was high for someone his age, at that time 28 I think. But hubby's family all has heart problems, his dad died in his 30s, mom has had triple bypass, brother has high cholesterol too. He didn't want meds at that age either, so he ate lettuce and chicken (not really, but close) for months, and exercised regularly. It went down, but was still high. He kept doing that for about a year probably, but it was never below 200, so eventually he had to go on meds. I wish you luck, I hope the diet and exercise works better for you! I know how you feel at your age, I wouldn't want to be on meds forever either!

    OK, for the practice, I swear they're the best around! Like I said, hubby sees Williams, and he chose him because his mom sees him, so he already knows the family history, and Williams will remember you when he walks in the room, not at all like what it sounds like your'e used to seeing now! Me and the kids see Harris there, only because he had more availability when my son was sick and we started going there, but we love him too. And we've seen Williams when we've needed sick appts as well. It's like going to see family when you go there, we all love it, and I couldn't see ever leaving, ever! The nurses are great, but I will say that the receptionists (not all, just 1 or 2) aren't the friendliest. Not rude or anything, just not friendly. But I don't go to see them, so that doesn't bother me. And I've never had a single problem, ever, since I've gone there. They don't push meds down your throat if you don't need them, they're current with what's going on, they're younger, and they have kids, so when you take your kids there they know what you're going through.

    Oh, one more thing. I don't go there for my ob/gyn stuff. But I do my physicals there, and Harris has never had me get undressed. I just tell him my ob/gyn does my paps and breast exams, so no problems there either. I have not met Dawkins, but hear he's great, and I didn't even know about the other dr there mentioned above. I will say I'm not crazy about Kathleen the nurse practioner, and that's usually who they offer for sick visits if your regular dr isn't available. But if you say you don't want her they'll see if another dr is free. I've never not been able to get in for a sick visit, unless I called really late in the day (and once I even could get my son in then). If you or your child is very sick, they will find a way to see you.

    Wow, that turned out to be long! But I believe finding a dr is important, and you should have all the facts! I recommend them to everyone, I just love them there! (and no, I'm not related or anything like that!)
  17. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    Thank you SOO much for the info. It sounds like I am exactly in the same place your hubby was-except my cholesterol hovers around 250:shock: I know...but, I don't have the family history which keeps me calm. I constantly think about it though which is why I am so picky about my doc. I've tried some new things this last 6 months though and am interested to see if it goes down in January. When I first found out about it 2 years ago, I was at 290!!! Yeah.
    I don't have children yet, but will probably start thinking about it in the next 3-5years, which is another reason I'm leaning towards finding a family practice that can get to know the whole family vs. an internist. Sounds like these guys really care. And lastly, it sounds like they trust you to take care of the female stuff on your own!
    I've heard about the staff and I'm with you, I'm there to see the doc, not the admins-as long as they don't mess up the billing in a horrendous way:lol: But I think this seals the deal for me. I'm going to call the office this morning and see if they will take a new patient and line something up for January. Thanks for all the advice ya'll!!:p

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