Add Indeed to this list. I find this site to be one of the best. They sort of gather all the jobs posted around the web into one spot.
You can also take care of all of your unemployment stuff online as well. I never had to call or step foot in one of their offices. If you have any questions, let me know.
Oh FF, I am so sorry to hear about your job. Clif is right...the sun WILL rise tomorrow. That being said, it doesn't make the transition or what is happening any easier. If I hear of anything, I will deifnitely let you know. I know too many people this is happening to. Take solice in the fact that you are not alone and that many people care for you. But take pride in the fact that you are a hard worker and you will prevail in finding a job. I wish you all the best on your searchfor a job. Good luck to you and your family during this transition. Sounds like there is a lot of great advice on here. Stephanie-mom to 7
FF, so sorry to hear about your news!! The future can look so scary and dark and uncertain right now ... but something will come along. It will get better, it always does! Try to keep your spirits up, and have faith! *hugs*
Yep:mrgreen::mrgreen: FF, i am so sorry to hear, i will definitely keep you in my prayers and will keep my eyes and ears open for something for ya:grouphug::grouphug:
Look at the brighter side of things... You now have a bit of an extended Christmas vacation. Then you can start the new year fresh! Spend it with family and enjoy yourself.:grouphug: This below is pretty long but worth a read it's an excerpt from Willa Cather's "Neighbour Rosicky" It will explain why I said what I said above. That goes for everyone who loses their job or is down on their luck. It will get better. "I ain't much afraid of hard times, Rudy," she said heartily. "We've had a plenty, but we've always come through. Your father wouldn't never take nothing very hard, not even hard times. I got a mind to tell you a story on him. Maybe you boys can't hardly remember the year we had that terrible hot wind, that burned everything up on the Fourth of July? All the corn an' the gardens. An' that was in the days when we didn't have alfalfa yet, - I guess it wasn't invented. "Well, that very day your father was out cultivatin' corn, and I was here in the kitchen makin' plum preserves. We had bushels of plums that year. I noticed it was terrible hot, but it's always hot in the kitchen when you're preservin,' an' I was too busy with my plums to mind. Anton come in from the field about three o'clock, an' I asked him what was the matter. "Nothin'," he says, 'but it's pretty hot an' I think I won't work no more today.' He stood round for a few minutes, an' then he says: "Ain't you near through? I want you should git up a nice supper for us tonight. It's Fourth of July.' "I told him to git along, that I was right in the middle of preservin,' but the plums would taste good on hot biscuit. 'I'm goin' to have fried chicken, too,' he says, and he went off an' killed a couple. You three oldest boys was little fellers, playin' round outside, real hot an' sweaty, an' your father took you to the horse tank down by the windmill an' took off your clothes an' put you in. Them two box-elder trees were little then, but they made shade over the tank. Then he took off all his own clothes, an' got in with you. While he was playin' in the water with you, the Methodist preacher drove into our place to say how all the neighbours was going' to meet at the schoolhouse that night, to pray for rain. He drove right to the windmill, of course, and there was your father and you three with no clothes on. I was in the kitchen door, an' I had to laugh, for the preacher acted like he ain't never seen a naked man before. He surely was embarrassed, an' your father couldn't git to his clothes; they was all hangin' up on the windmill to let the sweat dry out of 'em. So he laid in the tank where he was, an' put one of you boys on top of him to cover him up a little, an' talked to the preacher. "When you got through playin' in the water, he put clean clothes on you and a clean shirt on himself, an' by that time I'd begun to get supper. He says: 'It's too hot in here to eat comfortable. Let's have a picnic in the orchard. We'll eat our supper behind the mulberry hedge, under them linden trees.' "So he carried our supper down, an' a bottle of my wild-grape wine, an' everything tasted good, I can tell you. The wind got cooler as the sun was goin' down, and it turned out pleasant, only I noticed how the leaves was curled up on the linden trees. That made me think, an' I asked your father if that hot wind all day hadn't been terrible hard on the gardens an' the corn. " 'Corn,' he says, 'there ain't no corn.' " 'What you talkin' about?' I said. 'Ain't we got forty acres?" " 'We ain't got an ear,' he says, 'nor nobody else ain't got none. All the corn in this country was cooked by three o'clock today, like you'd roasted it in an oven.' " 'You mean you won't get no crop at all?' I asked him. I couldn't believe it, after he'd worked so hard. " 'No crop this year,' he says. 'That's why we're havin' a picnic. We might as well enjoy what we got.' "An' that's how your father behaved, when all the neighbours was so discouraged they couldn't look you in the face. An' we enjoyed ourselves that year, poor as we was, an' our neighbours wasn't a bit better off for bein' miserable. Some of 'em grieved till they got poor digestions and couldn't relish what they did have."
wow FF I am so sorry that your lost your job. I wish there was something I could do. I will keep my ears open for you. I wish these higher ups realized how tough it is out there.
This wouldn't happen to be at a church preschool program in Garner, would it? It sounds just like what they do at the preschool my son goes to, just wondering...
At West Clayton Elementary. She is 2nd grade and she now also wants me to come have lunch with her, so looks like I will have a busy day. Will keep my mind busy tomorrow.
Keep your mind on the positive things: Wonderful son and family Community there for your support and you probably have all your Christmas cards out already! :mrgreen:
Koo, What you Posted was just awesome. Read it to the family and made all of us think of how lucky we really are in this life. FF, Seems like Clif's attitude may just rub off on others right now, which is the way it should be. Teen could not show tonight as it seems the homework was too much after practice. Tomorrow night more teens at the house for the AP Biology Lab stuff...I really love having them over. Hope all went well with the Concert and my teen (almost typed the name...stupid me) will catch up with yours. Talk soon, Sherry
Too many Lay Off's FF, Clif, and anyone else out here.. I am so very sorry to hear of your lay off's. Especially at Christmas, it's the hardest time of the year to have to experience such stressful news, please try to stay positive and fight back against the corporate greed that exists in today's workplace.I wish there was something I could offer to you all, and if you need anything please P.M. and I will certainly try to help you as much as I possibly can. You all out here helped me and my family just 9 weeks ago and believe me, I have not forgotten the generosity and kind heartedness of everyone out here. As I posted to Clif, put it in God's hands. He will see you through the rough times. That is what I and my family did and although things are not perfect, they are certainly(sp) better. Maybe a useful tip, I posted on Craigslist what I did for a living when I was looking for a job and answered and applied to over 100 positions (some in which I had no experience) and tried the job boards without much success. but as a result of posting what I did for work, I ended up getting a reply from someone who was looking for someone to do just what I do for a living and got hired. It may just be luck but it is worth a shot. We will pray for you all. Please have a Blessed Christmas and remember that it will only get better:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
i am sorry to hear about your job ff!! wow.....didnt know gp was laying off! i will keep a look out for you as well. smile honey!
Sherry ~ concert was great. They actually played Christmas songs. Usually there are songs in there that are not Christmas and the way I see it, if it is a Christmas concert, they should play Christmas songs, so it was good. As always, my favorite song they play is Sleigh Ride. I am trying to keep my mood up for the sake of my DD and my niece. It is hard though. It just has been a hard and emotional year here....Kyle left, mom sick, lost one of my puppies, brother lost his job, son cannot come home for Christmas, now me loosing my job.....I know they say that God does not give one anymore than they can handle, but to be honest, just don't know how much more I can handle. :cry: You know, I was feeling pretty good that I was able to do something for several families this year (not only our 4042 families, but toys for tots ~ a couple of different times, helping my brother with Christmas for his daughter, and a couple of other people I know), and then I am hit with this. I don't mean to sound petty. I have enjoyed what I have been able to do this year. I love doing things for others and helping others out, it just stinks that after all that, this happens. Maybe those of us that have lost our jobs should form a club. LOL I really pray that next year will be a better year.