Ok, I'm headed to the derm in a little while to have the spot on my face looked at....y'all say a little prayer for me! 8)
whata-week is right, DD is finally getting back to her normally bratty self lol. Thank god she is feeling better. On the plus side, off of work today :hurray::hurray: Anyone going to bake me a cake today??????:jester:
so glad your daughter is feeling better....funny how they can be so pitiful for so long...and then just like that, back to being 'bratty' LOL....in an instant! is today your b-day chick?
Okay y'all, I'm out. Gotta go to Greenville for a work thing, then I have to be back in this area by 2 for a very important peer review session!! :cheers:
Theres more money in my paycheck this week! Thanks to a small raise (that won't even fill the gas tank weekly), and the new reduced federal witholding tax decrease! I gots an extra $90! :hurray::hurray::hurray:
:hurray::hurray: I bet that was nice! Hope my check is good next week! Got extra hours and didn't have to work for them lol. Sheri