Not sure but if you have any leftovers, I'll take 'em! :lol: Off to Harnett County! Yeee Hawww! Ya'll be good.:twisted:
go to the dollar store and get some clear goody bags and tie them at the top.. then you could put some ribbon on them
That's an idea if I get out that way today.... hmmm, I *do* need to go to BJ's. That would get me partway there.
if all you have is plastic wrap you could stick toothpicks out of the cupcake to keep it from sticking as well..
If you're going to BJ's you could go over to Party City and just buy a cheap container with a lid and put a bunch of them in there together.
How cheap? The cost can outweigh my time spent individually packing cupcakes. I already have a double batch of fruity pebbles treats to pack individually (in ziploc).
I have a really cool cupcake carrier that holds 36 that you can borrow. I bought it so that I can take cupcakes to dd's school. If you are not needing to individually wrap them, but just need something to carry them, give me a yell and you're welcome to use it.
I was wishing I had bought one from Tupperware a while back, but they need to be packaged individually for sale. Thanks anyway. I will keep you in mind for class birthday parties, though!