Displaced JoCo Teachers Job Fair?

Discussion in 'Jobs Network' started by blessed2adopt2, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know anything about the JoCo displaced teachers job fair to be held tomorrow (6/6)? It's actually for teachers (certified) and classified staff. All I know is that it is from 9 to noon and is being held in the Smilthfield Selma Highschool cafeteria.

    I'm wondering if there are any jobs out there for teachers in JoCo? Thoughts?
  2. crunchymom

    crunchymom Well-Known Member

    I wasn't aware of anything happening today.... This is what I found out the Johnston County SD website:

    "Due to the present uncertainty regarding budget allotments, Johnston County Schools has deferred plans for our June 22 job fair. As the situation becomes clearer we may reschedule for a future date. If so, we will provide information as soon as possible.

    As vacancies arise, they will be posted on our web page. You may contact the schools directly regarding any vacancies for which you are qualified and in which you are interested."
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    does that mean there will actually be openings for new teachers?
  4. crunchymom

    crunchymom Well-Known Member

    From what I understand, yes, but you'll have to be hired directly by the school... and there are going to be very limited openings. Wake County is currently on a hiring freeze, yet they have job openings at individual schools.

    It's very frustrating... I just finished up my BA in elementary education, but instead of getting a job this fall I think I'm just going to jump back in school & work on obtaining my MA. Hopefully the job scene will look better in a year or two.

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