Personal/Administrative assistant

Discussion in 'Jobs Network' started by stella, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. stella

    stella Guest

    I need an assistant! Must have bachelor's degree. I would prefer someone with education in law. Must know Excel and Word. Must travel. In a month, I will be in Italy. I travel often. The salary starts at $47,500/year plus benefits. Health insurance 100% fully covered! I have a great health insurance company. Also, 4 weeks paid vacation per year. I am off November and December so you will be paid these months as well though you will have little to do! Send me a private message and I'll tell you where to send resume!!!! Thanks! Must be 18 and have a driver's license (have to say that)
  2. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    DD graduates in Dec.... This would be perfect for her! She will only be in school part of the day Tue/Thu from Aug-Dec. Find a temp until then! LOL
  3. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I also know someone who might qualify for this position. Where should she send her resume?
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Thanks Stella for looking out for the 4042 family! :hurray:
  5. stella

    stella Guest

    OH my! I'm so sorry! My previous assistant contacted me today and is able to work. She is a family friend and had to leave suddenly. Lucky for me, she is back. If the position opens up again, 4042 will be the first to know!
  6. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Imagine my surprise.
  7. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Very lucky indeed.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    If it sounds too good to be true.......................8)
  9. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    Just when I thought my perfect job had opened up.... oh well.. maybe next time....
  10. stella

    stella Guest

    I can't go into details, but if you knew this girl, you'd understand. It's just crazy that she called me today. I almost waited until Monday to post it. I should have. Didn't realize there'd be sarcastic remarks. It's a typical paralegal job. I have to take November and December off to work in a different part of the country. I don't expect someone to pick up and move with me for two months.
  11. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    What kind of law do you practice? Just curious.
  12. I need a personal assistant to cook, clean, do laundry. In return, I will let you babysit my kids. Sound good?!
  13. seabee

    seabee Guest

    and what else???? :jester::jester::jester:
  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Forgive my post a job that pays probably higher than it warrants, says it's basically two months off with pay and then say, "sorry" my old assistant is coming back. Sounds fishy to me, but I am suspicious by nature.
  15. stella

    stella Guest

    I'm sorry it sounds fishy to you. I don't know what to say other than I explained exactly what happened. What would be my incentive to post a fishy ad? I really thought I needed a new assistant when I posted the ad. The pay is appropriate. It's not an easy job and it requires many hours. I'm not suspicious by nature, but I've discovered a lot of you on this board are.
  16. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    We all just look out for each other, alot of us know each other personally... and you just came on board and are seeming a little shady... sorry... just first impressions.

  17. Isn't that a fair trade? :lol:
  18. seabee

    seabee Guest

  19. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    Don't give it a second thought. I've rarely seen a new person posting who hasn't been accused of being shady, bitchy, or Stinger. It's just how it works around here. You seem like someone who can hold their own so I say welcome aboard! :cheers:
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Yes, we are. 8) The BS meter is on high alert. Sorry, but that's just the nature of the beast. Once burned, twice shy. :cheers:

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