There are so many threads bashing her that I couldn't keep track and hadn't read that one. My bad. I saw it now. Like I said before, have fun folks! :neutral:
Wow - am I understanding this correctly? A paralegal making $47,000 out of Benson (and if that's not the town, then any other town other than Raleigh) - dang where was that job when I was looking. I worked at a huge firm (200+) in Raleigh until recently and not even those paralegals were making that type of money. Hmm, for once I'm "speechless."
wow, never knew all this fuss could come up (although it was strange how she posted the high administrative assistant salary, and then all of a sudden she came back)...have to agree with @crazymom2girls!
Is this how Stella got her groove back? Sorry, I just couldn't resist! By the way, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona for sale if anyone is interested. :jester: