Who Owns the Moon?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ddrdan, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    With all the hype on the anniversary of the lunar landing I was curious if we owned the moon, being we were the first ones there? Thought I'd pass on what I found.

    Seems one man in Nevada saw a loophole in 1980 and is selling the moon.:lol: When the time comes that's probably going to be the first 'Galactic Legal Case.' Who owns the moon?

    With the 60's space race, the real worry was national sovereignty. Both the United States and the Soviet Union wanted to reach the moon first but each was more worried about what would happen if they arrived second. Fears that the competition might trigger World War III led to The Outer Space Treaty of 1967. It seems the celestial heavens are a Liberal Celestial Heaven.

    I found that the galaxy is a pinko Marxist plot against capitalism.:jester:
  2. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

  3. wreckinstuff

    wreckinstuff Well-Known Member

    I would go with Al Gore since he invented the internet and all.
  4. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    In all seriousness I would probably look at as in days of old, meaning that during the colonial times the first country to "colonize" said property became the sovereign country and the newly found/colonized land belonged to said sovereign country.

    But we know that crap won't happen now days.
  5. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member




    ENTERED INTO FORCE: 11 July 1984

    Article 11

    1. The moon and its natural resources are the common heritage of mankind,
    which finds its expression in the provisions of this Agreement and in
    particular in paragraph 5 or this article.

    2. The moon is not subject to national appropriation by any claim of
    sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means

    3. Neither the surface nor the subsurface of the moon, nor any part
    thereof or natural resources in place, shall become property of any
    State, international intergovernmental or non-governmental organization,
    national organization or non-governmental entity or of any natural
    . The placement of personnel, space vehicles, equipment,
    facilities, stations and installations on or below the surface of the
    moon, including structures connected with its surface or subsurface,
    shall not create a right of ownership over the surface or the subsurface
    of the moon or any areas thereof. The foregoing provisions are without
    prejudice to the international rgime referred to in paragraph 5 of this

    4. States Parties have the right to exploration and use of the moon
    without discrimination of any kind, on a basis of equality and in
    accordance with international law and the terms of this Agreement.

    5. States Parties to this Agreement hereby undertake to establish an
    international rgime, including appropriate procedures, to govern the
    exploitation of the natural resources of the moon as such exploitation is
    about to become feasible. This provision shall be implemented in
    accordance with article 18 of this Agreement.

    6. In order to facilitate the establishment of the international rgime
    referred to in paragraph 5 of this article, States Parties shall inform
    the Secretary-General of the United Nations as well as the public and the
    international scientific community, to the greatest extent feasible and
    practicable, of any natural resources they may discover on the moon.

    7. The main purposes of the international rgime to be established shall

    (a) The orderly and safe development of the natural resources of the

    (b) The rational management of those resources;

    (c) The expansion of opportunities in the use of those resources;

    (d) An equitable sharing by all States Parties in the benefits derived
    from those resources, whereby the interests and needs of the
    developing countries, as well as the efforts of those countries
    which have contributed either directly or indirectly to the
    exploration of the moon, shall be given special consideration.

    8. All the activities with respect to the natural resources of the moon
    shall be carried out in a manner compatible with the purposes specified
    in paragraph 7 of this article and the provisions of article 6, paragraph
    2, of this Agreement.
  6. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    The Conservatives have proxy ownership of the moon.

    In 2003, Lunar Embassys' Dennis Hope was made an honorary chairman to the Republican Congressional Business Advisory Council and they gave him the highest honor the National Republican Congressional Committee has, the prestigious Republican Gold Medal.

    They bought the man who says he owns the moon with trinkets & beads. You can't say that you guys don't cover all the bases, no matter how stupid it is.

    Lunar Embassy Honor
  7. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Obama will tax all green cheese thanks to this.
  8. Mark W.

    Mark W. Active Member

    Simple answer.

  9. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  11. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I don't know who owns it but I know who hung it. :mrgreen:
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I didn't know that the Moon was Hung.

    For those irrational conservatives on this site (not all are irrational) that was a sexual innuendo not a racial one.
  13. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    How could that be racial Mr. oversensitve liberal weenie?

    Is the moon a certain race? You are a pathetic.
  14. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  15. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

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