First day of school...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ferrickhead28, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. ferrickhead28

    ferrickhead28 Well-Known Member

    and my daughter's bus broke down! Thankfully, we stayed home this morning to make sure she got on the bus okay but once we got word it broke down, we drove her to school.

    Riverwood middle. Anyone else have bus problems on the first day of school?
  2. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Just getting my daughter out of bed! Even being a senior this year wasn't enough to get her excited about the first day of school!:banghead:
  3. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    my boys were up and adam at 5:45 am! They were kinda slow going. No phone calls, so I am assuming the bus picked up and they are all in their places with bright, smiling faces and 7th grade is underway.:mrgreen:
  4. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    My son was not happy to go back this morning...first day of middle school, he is worried about not being able to remember his locker combo....of all things to worry about!

    Other than that...we have lift off!!!:hurray:
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    First day of 5th grade here. No issues. Can't believe the summer is over.
  6. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    LOL, I remember worrying about the same thing in 6th grade! Hope he wrote it down somewhere! And hope he has a great first day! Mine went to school and everything seemed to run pretty smoothly!
  7. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    I was taking my son to school in Raleigh and watched as an idiot Wake County driver cut across a lane of traffic to get into a turn lane!!! :evil: And my son started last week (Pre-K) and it was horrible leaving him. He got hysterical leaving me, but this morning was a hug and smile and goodbye thank goodness. Looks like we made it. :hurray:
  8. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    When did i become the mom of a middle schooler??? Bittersweet, but he did look cute all nervous this morning...:lol:
  9. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    awww, he'll do great :)
  10. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Well my DD bus didn't break down, it just drove on by..long morning that is for sure..but the package got delivered and she is there. I just hope this gets fixed today.
  11. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    I do feel for the bus drivers. New routes, new students, anxious parents = NO FUN! Add the crazy drivers and it's a wonder everything goes as smooth as it does. I remember when my kids rode the bus and it always took a week or two to straighten out the bus issues. Usually it was a lack of communication between the bus central office and drivers.
  12. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I held a Mona Lisa smile all morning - holding back a grin! I was happy, they weren't. But after I dropped them off I was sad and cried. I miss the little terds. Oh well.. summer sure was short.
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member


    "little terds...."

    I keep waiting for the phone to ring....mine called me at least 2 dozen times a day....

    little terds.
  14. lissa27504

    lissa27504 Well-Known Member

    My son is off to 2nd! I read these about those of you with middle schoolers and high schoolers....oh boy! I always take my son on the first day--too many bus issues (and my mom always took me on the first day!!). Left my neighborhood, saw all of the kiddies waiting for the bus along the bus route---found out the bus had already come and left---yup 30 minutes EARLY this morning. I feel for parents that have to work and aren't as fortunate as I am to be able to come in late today. Oh the bus woes of the first two weeks of school :? Now just going to see how late the bus is this afternoon.....I'm sure the posts will be flying about it tonight!
  15. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Well some of mine were off okay--LOL. Only incident was medicine was forgotten so had to go back to the school to give it to him. Other than that, we're good.

    The middleschoolers were hilarious this morning. I have two in middle school this year. Son is going into 8th grade after being out for a year and a half to be homeschooled. He was homeschooled due to all the bullying at Cleveland. He's very nervous to go back but told him lots of new people and in the last year and a half he is not that skinny little kid anymore. Hopign this year will be a turning point and he'll enjoy it. Other middleschoole rwas jumping out of her skin to get to school. Our house is the meeting place. Soo, her other friend from down the street came to get her, the neighbor's girl across the street came over and then w/ my son, the 4 went to the bus stop. They stop right in front of our house but that would not have been "cool." So, they went down to the next stop--LOL. Bus driver knows them all so no worries.

    My highschooler is mad b/c she didn't get to start today. Tomorrow for her first day of highschool. Long story. So, we have a meeting at 10 and hoping htey'll let her stay otherwise, I'll have to put up w/ her another day--LOL. She's terrified and excited all wrapped up in one emotion. Afraid the kids will make fun of her b/c she so small, afraid they'll make fun of her b/c she's not smart. You know, typical teenager stuff. I do hope the kids at WJHS are understanding of differences and kids w/ disabilities. That's the part that scares me but I don't dare tell her that. Keeping the excitement going.

    My elementary kids. Wow! It's the FIRST bloody time they've ever been ready in their life to go to school. Chores done, breakfast eaten, stuff packed, etc. I was shocked. Hope they keep it up but not banking on it--LOL. 2 of them are in 3rd grade now. 1 in 4th grade. The kindergartner doesn't start today. But, he met his teacher & interpreter today. he's thrilledto have an interpreter & so am I. So, everyone in Ms. Powell's K class will have a sign name to go by. They will also be learning sign language this year some too! I'm thrilled. Worked out very well this year & will surely be life changing for him being able to talk to others in the class. He can't wait to start school & neither can I.

    Overall, great success. No bus issues whatsoever here. HS bus comes at 6:12 am...YIKES!!! Middle school bus around 7:00am and elementary bus at 7:54 am. I'm already tired and it's not even noon yet--LOL. Looking forward to this school year. Got lots to do still. Glad all the kids made it to school. Now, let's see what the afternoon brings.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  16. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    My 4th grader was all excited, she has the same fabulous teacher as last year but my 7th grader was really dragging her feet. The dog was also very excited to ride in the car everyday again.
  17. ECAVE

    ECAVE Well-Known Member

    You're kidding right...LOL

    My second one will graduate this spring!!!
    My youngest began middle school this morning - she isn't very happy about that.
  18. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    I know once they get older school is no longer as much fun but mine did end up enjoying having more freedom in middle school, maybe she will like that.
  19. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    Stephanie, once again we have kids in the same class :)
  20. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    OK, oldest was sent off to Middle school this morning.....the BIG 6th GRADE!!!

    I woke up to the dogs barking, acting all crazy jumping around. I yelled for them to shut up and proceeded to wake the kids up for them to start getting ready. My oldest son asked if I heard Jenna, a girl that lives down the street knocking on his window....... YES, KNOCKING ON HIS WINDOW!! I was like what?? He said that's why the dogs were going crazy. He said he heard a knock on his window, looked out and there stood Jenna waving at him. He said he closed the blind real quick cause he was in his boxers.....I was POed!!

    I was going to let him be the "BIG 6th Grader" and walk down the street to the bus stop by himself until he told me about his wake up call. I told him I needed to talk to Jenna. He was terrified on what I was going to say to her. I pulled up and called her to my car and told her to NEVER EVER EVER EVER do that again. All she said was OK. I was sitting there wondering where her mom was at 5:45 this morning when her daughter was at my house knocking on my sons window.This kid actually lives about half a mile from our home, so it's not just right up the street. As I'm sitting there waiting for the bus, checking to see what time the bus actually runs, her mom pulls out their driveway and waves then goes along her merry way.

    I just can't believe this lady let her daughter out and about that early in the morning, especially it still being dark and all. I'm going to have to go talk to this lady today. Just so she is aware how mad it made me!

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