This woman has lost her fricking mind. I mean what is she thinking. Just last week she laid off dozens more workers (inlcuding my husband who had 16 1/2 years in) and now she is announcing this??? :banghead: Perdue spoke Saturday at the annual meeting of the State Employees Association in Greensboro. In prepared remarks, she said she and the state personnel director are working to improve benefits for state employees, including adding $10,000 of accidental death benefits at no cost and a hands-on wellness program. I mean who does she think she is kidding - what good does $10K of accidental death do unless you are worked to death and hands on wellness - who has time to even use that? and really what is that worth anyway - pennies. Sad just sad..............
Hey, very sorry about the job...sorry doesn't begin to cover it, I know. As far as these so called benefits, my company has being doing that for years. The trick is that it doesn't cost them anything- a lot of these 'benefits' are incentives from the insurance companies and other vendors looking to gain/ retain accounts. My benefits now include things like 'free' health care screenings, 'corporate' discounts on PCs and fleet cars etc. like we can't smell the BS burnin'...
I get a check from the NC Retirement System, in February they announced that they were giving us a raise... We got it for 3 months and in June, 10 days before we get our June check, they decided that they were going to cancel the raise... DO THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING??? I didn't miss the money it's just the fact they are not planning at all.....
I am courious, do State employees get unemployment insurance?? I know a girl that just lost her job she was employed for 10 years. They just walked in her office and told her they didn't need her anymore. She almost passed out, no advance notice at all.. I think they are BANANA'S :banghead:
The budget short fall is worse than expected and is growing worse. Those who dislike taxes are even more upset at the thought of any increase to cover these shortfalls so the only options left are to cut what costs they can where they can. There is no way to plan for such a massive reduction in budgets while trying to keep a level of service.
they must be talking to social security, no raises for 2 years.says cost of living is down, but i wish they would tell me where so i can go there, it sure hasnt gone down around here.
despite all this they keep getting re-elected... perhaps they aren't aware of the concern among the general public/state employees? I will write a letter to the gov and our state reps expressing concern. Maybe that will help.
One of the biggest mysteries of the modern world is how a conservative state like NC keeps electing crooked liberal Governors.
yeah real conservative......... leads the Southeast in Tax Burden! First in the country implementing the Real ID. The last election proved it..... NC is not conservative anymore.
Please.......We have been blue twice over the last 35 years in Presidential elections yet only two Pub governors since 1900. This state continues to be apathetic towards the Democratic state politicians which, to my point, is mind boggling.
I had a friend tell me one time that on a national level he preferred to have republicans because they are more apt to keep the country safe and democrats on a local level since they are more likely to give him a raise.
I think it's just a matter of still having a bunch of yellow dog dems from the Jim Crow days. My best friend's mom makes Jesse Helms seem like Harry Reid and she votes Dem every time no matter how much I convince her she is voting against her own principles.