You can take them to the landfill or to any of the convenience sites without a landfill sticker. One of the convenience sites is on Barber Mill Rd. near Cleveland Rd., next door to the buffalo and bigfoot. I agree about curbside recycling, and municipal trash collection is far more economical and environmentally sound. I live on a street with 9 houses on it, and we have at least four different trash collection services.
Hard to see how it would be cheaper to have 4 trucks cover all the same streets, each stopping at every 3rd or 4th or 5th house, rather than 1 truck stopping at every house.
Here's the website I started for discussion Folks, I invite you to look at, offer civil, constructive critiques and suggestions to see if we can actually get enough of us together to decide this issue or put it to bed. Monday morning quarterbacking is not desired. H6 Ignore the ads. I used the free web site, which is ad supported.
cleveland school, NC? I honestly have to question your judgement if that is your choice for a name. Where are you from? I'm from Cleveland School:? Why not add elementary in as well, Im from Cleveland Elementary School, North Carolina, that has a nice ring to it.
I am going to say this one more time...the area has always been known as Cleveland School. If you look at old maps the area was shown as Cleveland School. It is where the name comes from. Kind of like...oh, I don't know...maybe... State College, PA or College Station, TX Believe it or not, there was also an Old Drug Store as well.
I believe it was referred to as the cleveland school area due to it being in no mans land and it not having any landmarks. Therefore people would say Im from the cleveland school area. Now you can say Im from where that there new wal-mart be, so maybe new walmart, NC, no? And from any map Ive seen it says cleveland township, nothing about any school.
I've lived here for 25 years, and "Cleveland School" and "Old Drug Store" were both well-established place names when I came here. Not "the Cleveland School area," but simply "Cleveland School." I don't often see townships listed on road maps. Have you seen Pleasant Grove Township, or Elevation Township, or Wilders Township or Banner Township on road maps? Those are all right around here.
Actually it's just called Elon now. I think they dropped the 'College' a few years ago, but yes you are correct that is used to be called that.
well they both seem to have gone out of style and for good reason. NO map says cleveland school, Ive seen plenty, not road maps I dont think, that say cleveland or cleveland township. Things die for a reason.