What is it about men that makes them think scaring the bejeebers out of someone is funny?? I am SO not laughing. :?
:lol: Payback is gonna be hell. And I'm going to wait til he has forgotten, what's that old saying? Revenge is a dish best served cold?? :twisted:
Why is the Wii Fit Plus sold out everywhere? I haven't been able to find it for 2 weeks now. I've been to Best Buy, Wal-mart, Target, Game Stop, etc. It must be really popular!
Nintendo likes to keep hype up, by keeping available quantities small. That same (theres none anywhere! it must be super popular! i should get it at the next possible availability) thought process occurs to everyone, and then when it is available some will want one because of it. It fuels impulse buying, even for people who aren't interested in the product because its hard to find. What if they do want it, at some point? How will they get their hands on it? Worked on the Wii, worked on Wii Fit, and now Wii Fit Plus. Online retailers will be your best bet.