I need to get a new cell phone and with the iphone coming to verizon I was wondering if anyone had any input as to the iphone vs droid?
There was just a thread last week about the same thing. http://www.4042.com/4042forums/showthread.php?t=32429
Hubby loves his droid. I would have one but the fascinate was buy it and get any phone free at the time so that's what we did. I wouldn't go back to an iphone is they paid me to.
If you're a guy get a Droid, if you're a chick get the Iphone, the Droid is too technical for a woman.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of apps, some really really good and the majority that suck, usually if there is an iPhone app there is the corresponding android app or soon will be. Android will allow some apps that Apple will not (everything is fair-game on a Droid because it is only limited by someones imagination), for instance Apple will typically not allow an App with "Flash" (they disapprove of this popular software feature) and they censor what they will allow on "their" phones. So if you are a porn fan the iPhone definitely is not for you. I just went ICK, I don't want to touch anyone's phone now!!!
Another thing to consider is this. Iphone is updated by Apple (within itunes) as an update to the iOS. Droid (or any android OS device) is updated by the carrier by over the air. (I am not counting those who have "rooted" their android phone and are comfortable applying leaked updates). This is where I think the iPhone is better. The iOS is always the same, but an android device, the updates are at the whim of the carrier. I have a Droid, am happy with it. That said, had I been able to wait until this month I would have bought an iPhone on Verizon. Open source is good, but the fragmentation is causes amongst the OS, IMO will eventually cause problems. The apps are about even, I prefer the iPhone/Ipad app store as opposed to the Google marketplace, but that is just a personal opinion. You can almost always get the same app at both places.
It basically boils down to this. The iphone is probably a more stable OS as Apple literally controls who can design and create usable apps. and makes sure that they fully intergrate with the OS. That being said if you want an app and Apple says no, you are SOL. The droid os is open source therefore just about anyone with knowledge can create any app you want. However that doesn't mean that the app is going to work 100% perfectly with each version of droid OS as there is no real quality control procedures in place. The best thing to do honestly is to find the phone YOU like, because with the exception of a few people (have 2 here at work) you won't find many people who have 2 phones and can give you an honest comparison of the two. The 2 people here at work both have Iphones(At&T personal phone) and htv EVO 4G(Sprint company phone).
LOL So, this chick has the Droid X... And I swype, text, take pictures, listen to music, facebook, tweet, play games and anything else on my droid. LOL 8) So we are not all bad. LOL