Cable and Internet deals

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Harvey, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I appreciate you posting this. I strongly believe the days of getting phone/cable/internet for 100.00 is gone. A service provider will do their best to get your business and try to get it as low as possible but once you start adding taxes and fees you are back up to 120.00 or more. Sad, but true.

    We have recently switched to Centurylink/Prism. The truth is that I'm not saving much from TWC, however, once my special pricing with TWC would run out I was told that our cost would go up significantly. So, what was potentionally my future price from TWC (probably around April/May) versus Centurylink I am saving money.

    Internet speed is one place which you can save or spend more. Its best to determine which speed is best for you and your needs and price accordingly.

    I want to add that prior to switching to Centurylink/Prism, we were having issues with TWC cable. I would call and call and felt like I was wasting a lot of valuable time trying to get issues resolved just to be told that there is nothing they can see on their end. I made one last call and told TWC that we were strongly considering Centurlink/Prism. TWC's superior customer service told us to go ahead and switch but that we would be back to TWC because Centurylink sucks. Needless to say, I was highly impressed with the person's communication's skills and impressed with their choice of occupation. I called Centurylink/Prism and went ahed with the installation. I carried all of our TWC equipment to the Clayton location. The woman there only added to my frustration with TWC. She told me that I should have driven to Clayton and spoken to her in person with all of my issues and that she would have made sure that my concerns would have been taken care of. My response was - Then why does TWC even put a Customer Service phone number on the bill? The woman in Clayton did her best to tell me I was making a very bad mistake by leaving TWC and that Centurylink was an inferior product. (she cleaned up "they suck").

    Two days after I turned in my equipment TWC called me and offered me the deal of a lifetime. I told them to get lost.
  2. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Having started out in the early days of BBS's and 300 baud modems with manual dial phones I'm all about speed, the faster the better in my case cause it means less time I have to actually spend online.
  3. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Century Link web site indicates the following internet speed available for my area.
    1.5 Mbps Internet
    • 1.5 Mbps Down
    • 256 Kbps Up
    Why would I give up my current TWC speed:
    - 25.19 Mbps Down
    - 0.91 Mbps Up
    for Century Link? Am I missing something?
  4. jbny2076

    jbny2076 Well-Known Member

    I have Digital Cable with 1 DVR and RR Turbo. I was paying $123 a month. I called since my pricelock was up and they offered me a new rate of $121. I just asked them to cancel and put the cancel date a week out. I got a call that night with a rate of $57 for the same service. Basically cut my bill in half. It is for 2 years and no contract. I took the deal. I almost signed up for DTV that day also but held off to see if they would try to retain me before my cancellation. Guess it paid off.
  5. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    I'll start by saying that different areas are being told different things. I believe it might be because Centurylink is working to improve areas a portion at a time versus a large mass.

    Now, having said that, I was told that the numbers you have posted here were the slowest speeds and went up from there depending on what I was wanting to spend for my internet service. If you are interested I would suggest a phone call to have someone clarify that for you.

    Our choices were: up to 768K, up to 1.5mbps, up to 3mbps, up to 10mbps or up to 25mbps.
  6. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    we have TWC high speed internet for the house, dvr, digital cable and phone for $88 a month, for two years, for our house here. Digital cable at the house at the beach. It was $149 a month here and $99 at the beach. My husband saw the deal they are offering on TV to new folks that 'bundle' and he called them and said I'm switching to satellite at both houses if I can't get that 'bundle' we got it. And they reduced the beach house rate to $30 a month for 2 years. When the 2 years is up, we'll just call again.....:mrgreen:
  7. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Gotta love TWC. Absolutely nothing changed on my end. Who knows on TWC but this morning it's smoking.

    23.8 Mbps down .95 Mbps up

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