I'm looking for a new wireless router for the home ... any suggestions, thoughts, opinions, reviews? Thnx! Carol
For typical home use just about anything will do, but I'm partial to Netgear and D-link for typical homeowner use based on ease of use and set-up. If you want more options for home security this might be a better option. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=745644&CatId=5212
well if its just for coming online you can go 15 to 35 doallar route. For home networking and multiple machines I would go with a netgear N600 and above. Set you back 75.00 to 120.00.
Yuppers, I picked up a dang refurbished one from CompUSA for around 15 bucks and aint had nar bit of trouble with it.
One of our network guys says that the refurbished ones are usually fine .. I hadn't thought about that before. I work from home, so need a reliable connection. My Netgear has served me well for the past half dozen years or so ... but I'm having to start kicking it almost daily, so it's time for something new.
Just make sure it's labeled as 802.11n (as opposed to 802.11g). 802.11n is the fastest (currently in production), 802.11g is slower, and 802.11b is worthless except for the most basic (such as email).
Dual channel usually works well working from home. I can go up to 300mb on my n600. It's right in the middle and It does great with Netflix, home office, remote admin stuff. You can't go wrong. Clif is right. But also remember you will get what you pay for. Be ready to spend from 70 to 120 on a good wireless router. Cisco's are over rated and expensive. Netgear is great. Belkin is decent.
Something you don't hear much on 4042. I just had to quote it. :hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray::hurray:
k, thnx .. was wondering if it was true that you "get what you pay for" ... have found that's true in some products, not in others.
Depending on usage I would agree to a point. For the most though Cisco products are alot more product that what an average home owner needs and would thus be overrated and expensive.
Router question: I had a wireless router for the house. Recently Centurylink upgraded me and sent me a new modem/wireless router in one. Took me awhile to get it setup w/ my computer, but got it working. BUT I cannot get it to recognize my wireless printer. I can 'connect' to my original router and print, but cannot connect to the internet. But using the new one, I can connect to the internet, but not the printer....:banghead: any suggestions before I call them? TIA!
Probably your wireless printer is still associated to the other AP. Reset the wireless setting and put in the AP info.
where do I find the wireless setting? I've tried looking for something like that under 'device and printers' but don't see it? I've looked at 'network and sharing' under properties of the printer....
New WEP code!!! It's probably seeing it, it just can't connect. Post the model printer and the OS you're using.
printer - MFC-255CW Brother OS - IE windows 7 From the printer, it says connected, but nothing sent to the printer will print.
sorry for the long delay, I forgot I posted a question in this thread! Try this: 1. Download this wireless setup wizzard and follow the steps 2. Then go to this page and follow the lengthy process of evaluation. Brother MFC-255CW Help