If your children are in school...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by All Children First, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    It won't make a difference in the sub assignments. That is within the settings they chose in the software. Licensed Teachers are notified first, then if not picked up within a certain time frame it goes out to the masses. You can "request" a sub, but unless they are a certified teacher it is unlikely you will get them or they will even know esp if you requested a sub far in advance of your absence. It's alot different than being called by a person at the school, it is an anonymous application designed to replace a person and track people/hours.

    If you are out sick for a few days, count on your kids having a different sub each day which is why the 3 day rule was revoked - if somebody is out for an extended period (maternity, sick leave, etc) those kids need consistency.

    I don't see a way around this other than screening ahead of time, and flagging as being able to work "full time". If the application can track licensed personnel, then it can track insured personnel. Another option would be to handle it as a contract position where you are technically self-employed, and you pay your own taxes at the end of the year.
  2. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    I agree, all good ideas - Human Resources should be able to verify insurance and stay within the parameters set by the ACA.
  3. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I was so relieved when they told us the 3-day rules was postponed...until my school secretary told me the powers that be changed their minds...again! ugh!
  4. Tardevil

    Tardevil Well-Known Member

    That is weird because I have had assignments last longer than three days, and have subbed more than three days in a week. Guess it just depends on who is asked as to the answer...so frustrating for everyone!!

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