How many trick or treaters did you have?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by SSM258, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. SSM258

    SSM258 Well-Known Member

    I was so suprised. We had no kids show up this year. We have about 8 kids in a 5 house spread next to me and no one showed. Everyone went out in cars and we had very few walking that we passed with our stroller. We had 36 last year.

    Wish I had not made 40 treat bags now. My kids will be on a sugar high by tonight from all they got and we had left. :shock:
  2. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    none LOL was out T or Ting with my kids.....
  3. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    Mine got bunches and bunches.
  4. SSM258

    SSM258 Well-Known Member

    I went out too....Left bags on my porch like always with light on and when we hit the neighbors on the way home they stated to my Daughter "You are the only one I have had tonight." Suprised I counted our bags and was suprised that none were gone. We usually have lots of kids and 3 of us together had our lights on. No one came. Very unusual.
  5. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    Where abouts are you. You dont have to give an exact location. I heard lots were going to local churches and events.

    We hit neighborhoods off cleveland rd. I think it is called Lancaster or something, cleveland oaks, and lynnfield (I think that is what that one was called).
  6. southerngal39

    southerngal39 Well-Known Member

    None here either!!!
  7. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    I had about two dozen. A few older kids (young teenagers), and then younger kids, families. A lot of princesses. The young'uns are SO adorable.
  8. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    I made 50 candy bags, and by 7P they were all gone.
    I gave the rest of the kids money!
    With the growth in Clayton, jeepers, next year I will have make at least 150 candy bags!
  9. oceanblue

    oceanblue Active Member

    We only had four groups of kids, where we normaly have LOTS more..
  10. racecitync

    racecitync Well-Known Member

  11. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    We had one group of 4 kids, and that was it. We went trick or treating in other neighborhoods because no one does anything in ours really, and out of three neighborhoods, we only found like 4 houses giving out stuff. That's four all together, not four in each neighborhood. What is with people and Halloween around here?
  12. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    had 5 ... and those were just the immediate neighbors kids... I always do something special for them.
  13. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Grand total last night...


    I gave out 40 juice pouches before I ran out, the other three got chocolate.

    Last year I had less than twenty. I guess my juice boxes are popular. :)
  14. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    love the juice box idea!!!
  15. melimel

    melimel Member

    I lost count after 100. Next year I will have to get 10 bags of candy or just thru a candy co. It was so much fun though. So many cute costumes.
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    As posted in another thread, I had a grand total of...................ONE!! LOL!
  17. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    I had 65 bags fixed and ended up with 7 left. So we had 58.

  18. LifeIsGood

    LifeIsGood Guest

    Are you in Clayton too? Maybe I should hit Clayton next year. 8) Wasn't sure where to go this year because we have only been here a short while.
  19. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

  20. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    I'll have my kids dress up again tonight and send them over then! LOL

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