Senator Fred Smith Meeting Saturday

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by georgie_girl, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. georgie_girl

    georgie_girl Member

    I just got a letter saying that Fred Smith is holding a Town Hall Meeting Saturday at the Clayton High School Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. I think this will be a good opportunity to go hear what he has to say. Anybody else planning to go?
  2. SpunkyPunky

    SpunkyPunky Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, (maybe it's just me) but I don't feel he gives enough concern to senior's.
    My vote is going to S Altman
  3. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member

    What will he say? Let's see:

    1) I'm not a politician...just a conservative businessman
    Translation: Of course I'm a politician, I've run for something every 2 years since 2000, I have a law degree like about 90% of the other politicians in the world, but I like to throw that in so you rubes will think I'm different.

    2) I believe in family values
    Translation: Yeah, yeah, whatever. If you're for 10 commandments posted in every public square, fine with me as long as you'll vote for me. If the majority of folks are against gay marriage, so am I, as long as you'll vote for me. Remember, I'm might not be able to get anything done in Raleigh, but I'm solidly with you on those things that don't really matter.

    3) We have to bring good conservative common-sense family values to Raleigh
    Translation: I've been there since 2002, I'm a member of the minority party in the State Senate and really done nothing but raise money for myself and other candidates. No one really cares what I do in Raleigh, but my ego is such I think I could be governor, even if my voice does sound like a tranvestite with a sore throat. I'm so glad that someone with no money and no chance filed against me, that way I can spend all these funds on rallies, billboards, and TV ads so maybe I'll have a little name recognition when I run for governor in 2008.
  4. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    and PS i really don't want to be your state senator because in two years i want to be your this is just a stepping stone to further my political career....
  5. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member I did with the County Commissioner seat you elected me to in 2000, and then 6 months later I was trying to raise money to run for Congress. Six months as a County Commissioner and I knew I had what it took!!
  6. georgie_girl

    georgie_girl Member

    Wow! I just asked a question about going to hear what the man has to say. I had no idea this would unleash a floodgate of venom. Clearly, you have an agenda here Camel, so your comments really don’t carry any weight. Do you work for a particular candidate, or just the party?

    Unless you’re from Mars, you recognize that the man is going to be re-elected by a HUGE margin, so I think I would prefer to go meet him in person…ask him some questions…and form MY OWN opinions, rather than listen to the same worn-out partisan rhetoric. It’s that kind of unfounded hatred and cynicism that’s ruining our political process and our country. Shame on you!

    As for me, I’ll make up my own mind. Thanks anyway! Becky, if you still want to ride together, just call me.
  7. stonecold

    stonecold Guest

    I may go and hear him. I ran into him on a Sunday at the gym at Lionsgate and talked to him for a few minutes. I already voted for him
  8. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Interesting that one poster, who has been a member less than a month, has accused two different people, in two different threads, of being a "plant." Wonder who the real "plant" is?
  9. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    "venom", "satanistic" -- there must have been a republican thesaurus distributed at the last party meeting--- tone and choice of words mmmm may not determine one and the same however the intent certainly is ---
  10. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

  11. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

  12. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member

    Same worn partisan rhetoric, huh? Guess again. I'm a Republican who has been going to State GOP conventions since the mid 80s. I remember when we could have held the GOP County Convention in a phone booth...back when Democrats held EVERY elected office in the County. Yeah, my agenda is I'm a Repubican who doesn't like Fred Smith. If you'll go back over my previous posts (Fighting Camel) you'll find I've been consistent in that. Fred Smith IMO is a very egotistical politician who is out for Fred Smith and nothing else. When you spend big money to become a County Commissioner, then only 6 months after that you're hosting a hospitality room at the State GOP convention announcing you're running for Congress, it gets me to thinking that maybe you would do or say anything to get elected. (He saw that there was no way even with all his money that he could buy a Congressional seat, so he ran for the State Senate in 2002, spending more money than anyone had ever before for a Senate seat from Johnston County) To me, Fred Smith is just a GOP John Edwards wannabe...all money, but no substance, without the good looks or personality.

    You'll also see where I predicted in previous posts that he would get at least 70% of the vote in this election, then run for Governor in 2008...and will not even get out of the primary. Which will be good for the Johnston County GOP, we'll get someone hopefully that will be effective in the State Senate and be rid of Fred, until he decides which other office he wants to spend big money to obtain.

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