Etheridge, Invaders Best Friend.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by nycool, Nov 3, 2006.


Do you think Illegal Immigration is a Problem in this area?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. nycool

    nycool Active Member

    Bob Etheridge has done virtually nothing to stop illegal immigration into this country. Looking at his website, I can find nothing on the subject. Considering the invasions we are having in NC, it deserves some attention. It’s time for Bob to hit the road. (Bob you’re fired) You have not done your job. I don’t know if Dan Mansell will do a better job than Bob Etheridge, but he is not afraid to speak out about illegal immigration. He at least says he will do something about the problem. Bob Ethridge won’t even speak the words.

    Please help save our schools, our social services, our way of life.

    Vote Dan Mansell for Congress. It’s not too late.
  2. DeapH20

    DeapH20 Guest

    I agree.Bob Ethridge & the illegal immigrants need to get out of here.
  3. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    so you think someone who fails to pay payroll taxes should represent us?? further more according to SBOE records during the period in which he failed to pay 220,000.00 in payroll taxes he and his wife chose to donate 50,000.00 to republican candidates and to the RNC ---
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Not that I am the biggest Etheridge fan (too conservative for me), this is a bit of a fib! I disagree with what he did, the fence is one of the stupidest things this congress has done.

  5. georgie_girl

    georgie_girl Member

    Sassy, how is it that you (and a couple of others here) always seem to have these facts and figures on the candidates you speak out against so harshy. Where do you get this readily available "insider-information"? It really looks like you are plants, using these forums to promote your own agendas (or the agendas of whoever you're working for).
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    No she is not a plant, she was upfront about her politics from her very first post.

    How about Blingo and Truthteller for plants?

    P.S. I plugged "Dan Mansell" into Google and this information was in the first 10 results.
  7. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member

    Maybe because she reads the NEW&OBSERVER??? Its been in there. Unless maybe only "plants" are capable of reading.
  8. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    hey georgie_girl --- i am a yellow dog, christian, pro choice, democrat never claimed to be anything but --(pretty much everything that most on this forum loves to hate) have always loved politics -- always tried to be informed --
    i too believe that in order for us (as a county and as a nation) to move forward both sides have to find a meeting place or common ground upon which progress can be made --- and the tit for tat that goes on must come to a stop --- that there has to be a vision for the future that fits within the frame work of the Constitution ----
    that is who i am -- and if you read my post history it is a reflection of all that i just posted
  9. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    They invaded our neighborhood on Halloween Night. They came as Illegal Aliens. No other costumes needed. I wish I lived in a gated community on Halloween night.
  10. mordorboy

    mordorboy Well-Known Member

    Well, NYCool, you're just lying. At the Cleveland July 4th Celebration I talked with Bob Etheridge about this very issue. It was the only issue we discussed. His opinion reflected much thought and very serious concern about the issue. He approaches the issue in a mature, intelligent manner unlike the sheep majority in the House. As a GOPer, this is the one Dem who can expect to get my vote next week.

    That's cute. Racist, but cute.
  11. nycool

    nycool Active Member

    Well, NYCool, you're just lying. At the Cleveland July 4th Celebration I talked with Bob Etheridge about this very issue. It was the only issue we discussed. His opinion reflected much thought and very serious concern about the issue. He approaches the issue in a mature, intelligent manner unlike the sheep majority in the House. As a GOPer, this is the one Dem who can expect to get my vote next week.

    Please tell me what part is a lye. That’s great he can speak to you in a private conversation. Just between you, & me I plan to feed all the hungry people of the world, cure all diseases without a cure, but I want say it publicly. O & please don’t ask about my progress in a year. Find any public statement Bob has made about Illegal immigration.
    He is scared to death to say the words.
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    You mean other than the ones on his web site and in the N&O?
  13. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    He voted in favor of the fence.

    Are you in favor of enforcing the laws against employers hiring illegal aliens?
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Isn't that like stealing from his employees to give to Republicans? If my boss takes money out of my pay for Social Security and income tax, I darn sure expect him to send it to the government, not to his favorite political party!
  15. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    Bob Etheridge voted to put 10,000 new border agents on the ground, but unfortunately, the Republican administration is not competent to accomplish this and did not bother to fund the border guards in the budget.
    The current Bush budget only funded 210 additional border agents.

    We need stronger leadership at the national level. Bob Etheridge is doing his job.
  16. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    "Bob Etheridge is doing his job."
    I am not sure about that. I am very disappointed in Bob Etheridge. But in my opinion he is the clear choice between the two candidates in this election. He will get my vote! And I am a Republican.
  17. claytonsassy

    claytonsassy Well-Known Member

    in the republican endorsement ad running in the local papers --- they have mysteriously overlooked mr. mansell --- he is on their ballot ad but not their endorsement ad wonder why that might be??
  18. mordorboy

    mordorboy Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't know how much of soap is lye, but I know it is used in making soap.

    But on a serious note, you wrote and I quote

    My reply was that he has spoken the words and enough so that I didn't want to keep talking about it, but he kept on going, yes, that is a lie. If you had written, you disagree with Mr. Etheridge on the issue, then fine. But you lied to push your agenda.

    I posted the link in case you wanted to read a memo from Etheridge and others. Enjoy!
  19. nycool

    nycool Active Member


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