Looking for a good Pediatrician

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Melynda, Dec 29, 2006.

  1. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I really liked Raleigh/Garner Pediatrics. However, I received a letter today stating they would no longer be accepting Cigna insurance after March 2007. I'm sure pediatricians have been discussed on this board in the past. I may have misspelled when I was entering my search. In any case - does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thank You :)
  2. juney25

    juney25 Member


    My kids go to Clayton Pediatrics. They are a division of Jeffers and Mann Pediatrics out of Raleigh. Excellent group. All of the perks of peds- after hours and weekend hours (you just have to go to the Raleigh office for that) The Clayton Office is located in the WakeMed building just up 70. The phone number is 359-3500. Good Luck!!
  3. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    I highly second Clayton Peds/Jeffers, Mann and Artmann. We moved here last year and my kids have been going there for a year and all the doctors are wonderful.
  4. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    Sorry, we drive in to Raleigh. DS goes to the same group I went to as a kiddo.
  5. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    I take my kids to Kids Care at 4042 near Medicap. I have been happy with them.
  6. bystander

    bystander Well-Known Member

    We loved Garner/Raleigh Pediatrics but had to switch a couple of years ago due to insurance change. We went with Clayton Pediatrics. The group of doctors seemed very similiar to Garner Peds but they weren't as "user friendly". For example, Garner Pediatrics had an after hours sick clinic on site and then, of course, the weekend sick visits in the Raleigh office. Clayton Peds did not offer a after hours sick clinic on site and the weekend clinic seemed to be the best kept secret because the number was not readily available and little was advertised about it. Secondly, the waits were dreadful at the Clayton office. I know several people who use this practice and didn't seem to have problems with the wait times but we did EVERYTIME. I recall waiting for over an hour in the exam room on 2 different occasions. I would have thought they had forgotten about us if not for all the noise and commotion coming from the room as I tried to entertain a fretful toddler. I can understand it happening occasionally or in the event of an emergency but, I tell you, we had to schedule at least 2 hours for a visit because it would consistenly take that long. I most always had extreme wait times - even with a newborn baby routine checks. It got to be so troublesome, we have switched back to Garner Pediatrics. So far, we have experienced nothing like the wait times at this office !!
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    We use Clayton Pediatrics as well, I don't have any real complaints, they are just different than what I was used to with my son's original ped. back in TN. I don't think we've seen the same doctor twice, to be honest with you, although each one has been competant. My son is very healthy (thank God) and haven't needed them much beyond routine visits. I guess I just don't get the "warm fuzzies" from them, but as long as they do their job, that is OK and it sure beats driving to Garner or Raleigh since I live in Clayton.
  8. pkc789

    pkc789 Well-Known Member

    My 5 year old has gone to Clayton Peds since birth but I have to say that I agree with the previous poster about the waits. I just took him last week for his 5 year check and we were there from 10:45 (apt was at 11) until 1:20. I kid you not! We waited an hour in the waiting room and the rest of the time was in the back. He was not sick but did have the eye test and shots. Everything else was routine but we waited 15-20 between each thing. I have never been there that we didn't have to wait so I usually plan to be there 1 to 1 & 1/2 hours but the 2 & 1/2 we spent the other days was uncalled for. Sorry to write such a long response but I can't say that I would recommend them and I am considering switching myself.
  9. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    Gotta chime in re: Clayton Pediatrics...I really like how attentive they are with you when they are actually WITH you, but I have ALWAYS had a long long wait (in the waiting room and the exam room). They also like to run a LOT of tests (wonder if they're in business with the lab they use). I miss Dr. Pugh at Oberlin Pediatrics...he was my doctor when I was a kid and he was my kids' doctor when we moved back here, but he had to go and retire... (didn't ask ME if he could do that!)
  10. silkyrabbit

    silkyrabbit Well-Known Member

    When we have been to Kids Care, the wait was very short and everyone is very nice. Most of the time, from the time we get there, until we leave hasn't been over an hour.
  11. ncgal

    ncgal Well-Known Member

    Hey VitaMeat....

    Dr. Pugh was my Dr. too! Actually my 10 year old daughter saw him too for the first 2 years of her life. I still drive in to use Oberlin Road peds though because I love the office and that you actually have a chosen doctor to see each time.

    BTW, Dr. Middleton just retired this year too!
  12. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    We've been at Clayton Peds for about five years. There has rarely been a time when we did not wait (many times an hour, sometimes more) either in the waiting room or exam room. There was a time period when it seemed they fixed that issue and we did not seem to wait as long. It often has to do with what time your appointment is. Best times are first thing or right after lunch. We don't deal with them much these days as we go mostly for well checks.

    Before changing to Clayton Peds we were at Garner Peds. I loved the doctors there and never had to wait but the office staff was horrible. That is what prompted our change five years ago. I've heard the office staff has changed.

    There is a peds office near Clayton Peds that I have heard good things about but cannot recall the name.

    My children are getting to the age that I may just switch them to a family doctor. I'm not sure past the infant /toddler stage that a pediatrician is necessary. When something comes up ... i.e. allergies, ENT related issues ... we've found it more productive just to see a doctor specialized in that area. We are blessed to have insurance that does not require a doctor referral to see a specialist.
  13. CheerBearNc

    CheerBearNc Guest

    I also take my childeren to Clayton Pediatrics. We have been going there for 6 years now. All the doctors are really good and as for not seeing the same doctor twice- that is true but you can request which doctor you see upon making your appoinment. The nurses are always quick to call back. And when my childeren NEED to be seen they do work us in. The wait can be a while though. But like I said they always saw them when I needed them to. They are very caring. I really like them.
  14. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    This is a repeat, but here goes. lol Dr. Dawkins at Johnston Family Care off of 210 is great!
  15. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    kdc1970 - I also was a child "Star" at Oberlin Road Ped's. Dr. Middleton just retired last month after about 200 years & Dr. Robie just died (This past weekend- he was 90-something!)
    DS loves Dr. Bodenstine.

    To me - it is well worth the drive to Raleigh.
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Good to know! If I ever get over my phobia of going into Raleigh unless it's an absolute must, I will consider it! Got a new GPS for the car for Christmas, so maybe that will help! :oops:
  17. littleman

    littleman Well-Known Member

    Where to go..

    I recommend Clayton Peds. The doctors are great, a friendly staff. You will find that you have to wait from time to time, but this is a very busy time of the year so it is hard to really compare the wait time. The doctors are very thorough during their exams.

    I also like the fact they do have the hours on the weekends. Even if you have to drive to Raleigh, when your child is sick it is great to know you can go to your doctors' office, where they can pull up all of their medical information and not have to go to an urgent care center where they don't know anything about your child..
  18. Tonja

    Tonja Well-Known Member

    Carolina Kids

    Our pediatrician is in Raleigh across from Rex Hospital. We have been going to Carolina Kids since my daughter was born. She is now 6. We really love the doctors and nurses there. There is a number to call after hours for emergencies. There is always a doctor on call. On the weekends there are hours for walk-in emergencies without an appointment. I think Sunday is the day for walk-in visits.
  19. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    I received great news yesterday :) Garner/Raleigh Peds. has agreed to take Cigna insurance for the next couple of years. I really like this group so I am very happy that my son & baby-to- be will be cared for by them. Thanks everyone for your recommendations. Your input was greatly appreciated.

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