cable? satellite? $$$$?

Discussion in 'Money Matters' started by austinwhitley, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. Hi!

    We've just apparently finished the "promotional" period for Time Warner Cable, and boy did that price jump! We have the lowest digital cable package (with tv in two rooms, and DVR capability in one room) bundled with roadrunner internet, and the new price is going to be $122 a month now! I'm looking at different options (including just going completely tv-less), but before I do anything impulsive and drastic (or at least my children would think it was drastic), I'd like to have some of your thoughts.

    Which is a better deal around here...cable? satellite (Dish Network or DirectTV)? road runner? DSL from Embarq?

    Please let me hear your thoughts!

    Thank you!
  2. walloon

    walloon Well-Known Member

    I have had success with getting TWC to continue my promotional cost. I called them, said their service was too expensive and I was switching to satellite, and they gave me a lower rate. But yes, their rates are outragous without the promos. They actually transferred me to a "customer retention rep." for this deal. I know that I would be switching if they didn't do this for me.

    good luck!
  3. Thanks for the idea...I'll be talking with a "customer retention rep" later today. :)
  4. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    We did the whole "we are cancelling thing" as well and they changed our plan again the first time. Now, we are going through it again and I am tired of it. When my hubby asked to be placed on anothe rplan the sales rep was rude and replied that we could not jump around on plans as they were not designed for that. My whole thing is, if they can give it to me at x price for 12-18 months then they can give it to me for that now as well. We received our modem in the mail yesterday from Embarq and have a Dish rep coming out Saturday. I can't wait until I can really, really let Time Warner know how I feel. It won't matter to them, but I will feel MUCH better! Oh, and by the way...we have had crappy service from the cable part for the past 3 months. Our locals go out several times a week. I am done with them. I am also going to save almost $40 a month on phone, tv, and internet.

    Whew! Thanks for the vent!
  5. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I had Dish Network and loved it, right up until I had to cancel it. It wasn't my choosing, Mother Nature necessitated it. We live in a very heavily wooded subdivision and trees on a property that adjoins ours have just grown to tall and it just got to be where we were having to adjust the satellite dish regularly and got tired of it. We had been DN customers for 7 years at 2 different addresses. However, when I went to cancel because we did change to TWC so that tree-interference was not an issue, it took me over an hour of holding online to get a rep to cancel my account. I was absolutely livid with the customer service rep who kept coming back on the line telling me that a Cancellation Dept. Rep. would be with me shortly.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2007
  6. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I hear good things about Vonage. The 911 thing bugs me.
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Love Vonage and you always have your cell phone for 911. From what i understand though they are working on having it available in the near future on Vonage.
  8. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I would have been upset as well!
  9. jtm

    jtm Well-Known Member

    We activated the 911 dialing on Vonage when we signed up, too, but that still doesn't make it a sure thing. We had to call 911 recently, and ended up on an administrative line (they had to transfer and accidentally disconnected us, then we called back and they tried the transfer again), and the ANI/ALI information (who you are and where you're calling from) didn't transmit. Vonage is supposed to be updating their 911 service soon so all that works, but I don't believe it's the case yet.
  10. racecitync

    racecitync Well-Known Member

    You can dial 933 from your Vonage phone to see if your area has been updated to Vonage's Enhanced 911. E911 still doesn't guarantee that your information will show up on the dispatcher's screen. That is a problem with the local 911 service, not Vonage.
  11. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    We gave up Direct TV 1.5 years ago. I thought it would be horrible but it has not been. We subscribe to netflix and mostly use it for entertainment and educational DVDs for our children. I love not having to worry about inappropriate commercials! Cost is under $18 mo. We still get all the major network channels on our TV using a basic antenna.

    Every once in a while we'll rent DVDs locally with rent one - get one free coupons OR got to the Smithfield Library where you can rent videos for one week ... Tuesdays use the movie card and you get one movie rental free for every one you rent = $0.50 per video

    Our internet connection is Roadrunner Lite @ $25 month

    Telephone we use Sunrocket internet phone @ $199 for 15 months - (we got 3 months free). With this we have all kinds of features and free long distance.
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Just tried to call TWC. Called 1-800-4TWCNOW, (instead of 1-866-4TWCNOW) and got a recording that started out, "Hey man." Wasn't really paying attention to it until I heard, "for man on man action." :shock: Needless to say, I quickly hung up!!

    Why do I keep getting a recording when I call TWC saying I can't call from the phone I'm using? :x
  13. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    If you have Vonage, Vonage blocks the call. Guess they don't want you calling the competition. We had that problem. I had to call from work!

  14. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Yep, I have Vonage. What the heck?? They should have no business blocking ANY calls I want to make, as long as it is the the US. Guess I'll use cell minutes making my TWC call. :evil:
  15. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I couldn't just leave it at that... I'd have to call.. like you said, what business do they have blocking ANY # you want to call. I'd raise immortal hell with them, its not the fact that i'm having to use cell minutes I'm paying for somewhere else, but the basic principal involved.
  16. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    I have TWC phone/roadrunner/digicable/dvr, etc. and my bill runs like $176 or 178 a month. One bill, and I can count on 1 hand the number of times my service has been out since 1997. I'm a happy camper.
  17. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i was going to say the same thing Ken. i have called TWC many times from my Vonage phone with no problems.
  18. MissyPrissy

    MissyPrissy Well-Known Member

    :shock: ROTFLMAO

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