Senator Fred Smith- are you listening?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Pirate96, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Maybe not to you but I think your answer did enough.
  2. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    the power of 4042! I think Senator Smith and his staff are doing everything they can to address a problem that was brought to their attention yesterday. I am happy that this problem has come to light. I like to watch how people/ organizations handle problems. It shows you what kind of character they have.
  3. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Was this the Adoption Bill? Or another Bill? Just curious.
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Are you asking me? The bill I wrote about most recently is the one that would take the right to set insurance rates away from the insurance commissioner and give it to a superior court judge. I asked him to vote against it because I think it would raise insurance rates for all of us. The insurance industry already makes a healthy profit here, they don't need help from the legislature. The bill is SB 901, and the sponsors are Sen. Tony Rand (D) and Sen. Apodaca (R), but I think it's really being pushed by the insurance industry. It's an attempt to fix something that's not broken, and I think it's unnecessary.

    By the way, I have contacted Sen. Smith numerous times in the past, and today is the first time I have received any kind of response. I agree with Pirate 96, the power of 4042 is pretty awesome!
  5. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Actually it was the power of the people on 4042 that made it happen.
  6. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Again does it really matter why somebody contacts their representative. Kudos to Senator Smith's office for already making a change.
  7. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Well Grace. In North Carolina we wave. Partisan points of view will not sway how locals think of Mr.Smith. Misguided? You must think we are all a bunch of un-educated rednecks. But it seems that again you are wrong. Nothing is cut and dry. I was one of his neighbors and there is more to the man than politics. To bad you do not know that side. His record is posted on his website. Unless you can produce a link to the bad things he has done your wind has no sail. Nice attempt but shot down by a simpleton.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2007
  8. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Grace, I could not say it better but in his mind it looks like you were . . . .
    I agree, Mr. Smith's lack of values keeps me from voting for him.

    ServerSnapper, values, like morals, are in the eyes of the beholder. That "Family Values" banner that tends to be waved around is about as anti-family as you can get.
  9. Fighting Camel Still

    Fighting Camel Still Well-Known Member

    I've never understood the appeal of Fred Smith to voters. He spends over a $100,000 to get elected at as county commissioner...then 6 months later is sponsoring a hospitality room at the State GOP Convention...preparing to run for Congress...then someone tells him he can't beat Etheridge so he decides to run for the State Senate...all in less than a year after being elected to county commissioner. Then after a few lackluster terms as a minority member of the State Senate....when he's spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to win re-election against opponents who had very little money or name recognition.... he's supposed to be gubernatorial material?

    You know the Democrats are hoping beyond hope he gets the GOP nomination for Governor...that way they won't have to spend a lot of time or money in that race.
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Careful Camel...the "I Love Fred" crowd is ready to tar and feather us...and possibly erase the graffiti I left in Kitchen Hall about Stormin'g Norman of CU.
  11. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    No matter who gets the republican nomination it's going to cost a lot to have a shot to beat the 800 lb Gorilla, Ms. Beverly Perdue.

    With that said maybe Mr. Smith will come to realize that a lot of North Carolina does not want to hear about the "war on marriage", but are looking for results on matters such as education, taxes, and immigration
  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member


    tha gorilla line made me lol....I met Her the New Bern GAA air field offices. I was waiting for a party to arrive and she was flying out. She reached out to shake my hand and introduce herself with an experienced politician's eye and grip..I swear her hand reached out farther than anatomically possible for a normal soon as I told her I wasn an independent, she mentally placed me in her "circular file" and promptly went looking for her next voter. Unfortuantely, there was no one else around. I still mentally chuckel about it. There we were..just the two of us for about 20 minutes. I was willing to chat about anything or nothing at all, but waited for her to converse. ShH seemed most uncomfortable, but uttered no more sound..just dropped me like a hot tater...

    Nope...if Beverly is the Dem's candidate, then this gubernatorial election is really going to be a choice of the lesser of evils...
  13. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Perdue has the media on her side......

    A poll conducted by Public Policy Polling of Raleigh, and appearing in the News and Observer on 01/11/07:

    • Perdue - 32% Eastern NC connection
    • Moore - 20% Granville county
    • Faison - 7%
    • Undecided - 41%
    • Graham - 24% (grew up in Eastern NC)
    • Former Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr - 13%
    • State Sen. Robert Pittenger (Charlotte) - 10%
    • Smith - 9%
    • Undecided - 44%
  14. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    Well Grace it only takes a few minutes to cut and paste. Where is your original thought in this process. Hell if I cut and pasted everything I read on you liberal dems then this whole thread would be full of links and other peoples writing. Kinda..... like yours. I just so happened to have passed a tree this morning that had a big section missing. It needs desperate repair, love, and attention. Let me know if you want the address.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2007
  15. comets

    comets Guest

    Grace Slick sounds like Saltman (Sherry Altman)

    I have been a "lurker" on this board for a long time. Finally registered a little while back.
    For some time Grace Slick's posts sounded familiar to me. I did a little investigating and comparing posts of Grace Slick and Saltman (Sherry Altman) because of Grace's recent attacks on Fred Smith. Here is what I found in the postings on
    Saltman (Sherry Altman)
    15 year old daughter
    I was born into a military family. My father studied Chinese
    With the help of my parents I was able to adopt my wonderful daughter
    Last post 11/9/06
    Lives in Clayton
    Self Employed
    Grace Slick -
    15 year old daughter
    As a child my family and I lived all over the world because my dad was in the U.S. Army. He studied Chinese and can read, write and speak it.
    Yes I am. I believe the other posts cleared that one up. I adopted my daughter when she was 7 months old.
    Date Joined 11/12/06
    Location: Clayton
    Occupation: Self Employed
    Would the real GraceSlick "take two steps forward"? Could Grace Slick be Fred Smith's opponent in this past NC Senate race? Hard to believe there are 2 needles in a haystack here.
  16. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    :lol: :shock: Sounds like a bitter pill that just....won'
  17. Clif

    Clif Guest

    If this is true (and it may well be), I believe that Ms. Altman created the saltman account specifically to address questions about her senate race, rather than have her Grace Slick account cluttered with political drabble.
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Comets, I also don't think much of Mr. Smith and have stated such. Does this mean you did research on me? Will you be posting personal information on me? :?

    Who said dirty tricks were dead!
  19. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    I am sure you are not referring to a Republican starting dirty tricks??
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Almost sounds as if Server might be an agent provocateur..who is trying to derail having such repugnance in discourse associated with Fred.
    Fred, if server is with ya, he ain't helpin' need to tighten up the ranch.

    Whether she goes by Grace or any other name, I salute her willingness to step forward to make a difference.

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