Did any one go to the Harvest Crusade?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by HXCforCHRIST, Jun 24, 2007.


    HXCforCHRIST Well-Known Member

    I did and I thought it was awesome to see that many people give their lives to Christ..

    Any body else go? did you like? what are your thoughts?

    Can we please keep this as drama free because we all know how the other religous threads turn out.. This is just to say what you like or didnt like about it if you went?
  2. Shine

    Shine Guest

    I went to Harvest Saturday night, and it was absolutely awesome! I was so awestruck to see so many gathered in one place worshipping God. As a matter of fact, I have been online most of the night trying to find a window decal/sticker for my car that I saw on another car in the parking lot. It had the Harley Davidson design and said "Hard Core Jesus Freak" on it. Has anyone seen a window sticker/decal or magnet like this anywhere?
  3. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I went last night, and I really wish I had gone all 3 nights it was so awesome. It is so great to see 16,000 people worshipping God in one place. We need more of that around here.
  4. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    My 18 year old son said the same thing. He could only make it on Sunday night. He called me during the invitation time. I could tell he was moved by how many people came forward. He took pictures and woke me up when he got home to share them. He had really good seats (10th row I think) so the pictures were very telling. He said the message was incredible and he wished he had been able to go all the nights.
  5. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    I really wanted to go on Saturday but it didn't work out (dang migraines :-().

    I heard that it was wonderful though.

    HXCforCHRIST Well-Known Member

    Only five people went I take it huh??? No one else???

    I loved it, not a big Toby Mac fan but he did throw down saturday night. He did a great job to be as old as he is, He is in super shape
  7. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Toby puts on a great show, even for his age! :lol: He's only 43... (Toby was born Kevin Michael McKeehan on October 22, 1964

    I actually just watched the tobymac segment from the link Dawn provided. Great songs but the show was VERY tame, compared to the 4 times I've seen them in person. A friend went and said it was hard to move around in the seats, felt like she was going to fall, so maybe they (the band) were trying to keep it tame to prevent audience injuries. :)
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2007
  8. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

  9. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link Dawn!! :-D
  10. gmessig

    gmessig Well-Known Member

    Holy Spirit

    It was the most amazing experience for me, my family and friends who attended. The Holy Spirit was so thick in that place! It was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Vitameatavegemin

    Vitameatavegemin Well-Known Member

    My husband and 2 sons went (the boys like tobymac). My husband called as he was driving home and said it was LOUD (what's the bumper sticker say? 'If it's too loud, you're too old!'??) :) The boys (15 and 12 years old) also liked the other band, Leeland, a lot...here's a link for them...


    I skipped...I'm getting grouchy in my old age (42...not THAT old, I guess, but still)...I don't like crowds like I used to... Still, they're glad they went...
  12. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Veggie, you aren't even as old as Toby, so you have no excuse! :mrgreen:

    Thanks for the link, I didn't know who Leeland was but I've heard them on the radio. They're good, would've enjoyed them. Darn. :-(

    Click on "Tears of the Saints" http://www.myspace.com/leelandmusic
  13. ncarolinagal

    ncarolinagal Member

    Harvest Crusade

    My daughter (17) and I went on Friday and Saturday night. She went with another teenage friend on Sunday night. She said Sunday night was the most packed but preferred the music from Friday night since she is a huge David Crowder fan. I preferred Saturday night myself. It was the most incredible, amazing thing to witness that many Christians gathered in one place. It was also emotional to see so many coming to Christ. I am glad we were able to experience the crusade first hand. I'm sorry I missed Sunday night as I would have loved to have heard the speakers.
  14. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member

    I didn't know it was going on. Missed it :oops::oops:.
  15. Ormly

    Ormly Well-Known Member

    If you are Christian why would you need to hear the message of salvation again and again and again....? Could it be that what you have taken to yourself isn't sustaining you and you go again and again hoping to hear of something more that might? Just asking. I used to do that.
  16. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    Hearing God's word over and over again?? What is wrong with that? Hearing the good news of Salvation is great no matter how many times you hear it...
  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    kinda like that FABULOUS Coach bag, it never goes outta style ;)
  18. DAH22

    DAH22 Well-Known Member

    kt - I knew I liked you for some reason! Great taste! lol
  19. rjfields

    rjfields Well-Known Member

    We went Sat. night. It was very nice. I am not a big fan of Toby Mac but my 5yo son bounced around and enjoyed it. I really enjoyed the message by Greg
  20. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    ;) ;) :mrgreen:

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