well, your post certainly came across as critical of mrs reeves. it sure sounded like a complaint. and then you go on to question the intelligence of those who post here? not a good way to win friends and influence people, as they say. also, stop being so arrogant as to think that anyone here has predetermined bias against you or your pseudo-lofty-intellectual, condescending posts. trust me, nobody cares that much about them...
Show of hands: How many of you thought you would live long enough to see the local Republican "leaders" endorse a lobbyist over a successful business person??? Obama talks about getting rid of the lobbyists in Washington. The local GOP has found the solution, elect them to office!!! Of course as long as the Democrats hold the majority in the NC Senate,doesn't really matter which Republican we send up there. They'll have plenty of time to chat on the phone,drink coffee with you,email you back,if they have an office big enough to turn around in!!!!:cheers:
Reading comprehension not your strong suit?? I specifically asked if I was mistaken in assuming you were complaining. Apparently I was. I asked for clarification, no need to get all snotty and insulting. If you wish to go down that road, in the mood I am in, I can certainly oblige. 8)
“Wow, I don't have a horse in this race.................but are you complaining that the candidate wasn't available at the booth the very minute you went by?? Could it be she had to take a potty break or went to get a bite to eat?? Have you ever actually worked a booth in a setting like that? It's exhausting! Last one I did I was completely hoarse by the end of the day. Correct me if I have misinterpreted your post, or if you went by several times and the candidate was unavailable.” “Reading comprehension not your strong suit?? I specifically asked if I was mistaken in assuming you were complaining. Apparently I was. I asked for clarification, no need to get all snotty and insulting. If you wish to go down that road, in the mood I am in, I can certainly oblige.” KDC1970 - If you will go back and re-read what you yourself wrote you will notice that the first question you asked me was 'are you complaining that the candidate wasn't available at the booth the very minute you went by??' I then responded to that question. I said 'no, i was not complaining.' Then you went on to make a statement 'correct me if I have misinterpreted your post'. You did misinterpreted my post and I corrected you. Now, from answering your first question and then replying to your statement you call me snotty and insulting. I believe a person could deduce that my comments about this site might have been successfully proven.
"Can you hear written text? Can you see dead people too?" Since people on this site are able to know specifically what an individual is feeling or trying to convey emotionally through their written word, I believed it was possible for you to also hear sarcasm. I don't think that is much of a leap. Let's see, I have been called a 'female dog' and a SCHILL and have not written 50 posts on this site. I would imagine that constitutes a FAN BASE. Momma would be proud.
DANGERBOY - "well, your post certainly came across as critical of mrs reeves. it sure sounded like a complaint." I was not critical of Mrs. Reeves. I stated my personal experience. If it sounded like a complaint then that was your interpretation of my written word and that was not what I was conveying. "and then you go on to question the intelligence of those who post here? not a good way to win friends and influence people, as they say." I did not 'question the intelligence of those who post here'. Please re-read what I wrote. I did not mention the individuals who actively post on this site. I said the candidates were showing some intelligence for not posting on this site. "also, stop being so arrogant as to think that anyone here has predetermined bias against you or your pseudo-lofty-intellectual, condescending posts. trust me, nobody cares that much about them..." It is of your belief that I am arrogant in thinking that anyone here has predetermined bias against me. I just call 'em as I see 'em. And as for 'nobody cares that much' I believe you dis-proved your theory being having the need to create a post to tell me so. Kinda like an oxy-moron but not exactly. Also, thank you for the compliment 'pseudo-lofty-intellectual, condescending posts'.
And you just proved my point. Apparently I am not the only one that took your post as a complaint. Your powers of communication involving the written word are quite suspect, because what you were apparently trying to "convey".........................didn't. 8) Now, if you want to have a meaningful conversation, how about climbing down off that high horse. :roll:
Received three flyers in the mail from Ms. Reeves today. Received letter with a return address of the Johnston County Republican Party. It endorsed Mr. Rouzer and said it was paid for by the Johnston County Republican Party. Wonder how many bylaws that violates about County parties not endorsing in local primaries.
bylaws I don't know if it does violate any or none. I think that the local GOP Party of Johnston County, doesn't like Mrs. Reeves' political consultant trying to get that senate for his own benefit. As you know her consultant was the one that was behind Richard Morgan's getting co-speaker of the NC House and putting Rep Billy Creeh out of a district to run in and knocking Rep Leo Daughtry out of being speaker of the house. Mrs Reeves has not even been to a party meeting except one time if my memory recalls. Mr. Rouzer has been attending for years. This would tell us that Mrs Reeves and Richard Morgan has their own agenda for getting the senate seat.
No matter who the local party leadership supports,a county party is not suppose to endorse in a primary,nor are any of their county officers.
EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT!!! JoCoConservative Exposed. Look up in the air, it's a bird, it's a plane, NAHHHH, it's just POSER BOY!!! PEEEEELLLLLLEEEESSSSS!!!!!! Can you be more obvious?