web browser problems

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by Had_Wynn, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. Had_Wynn

    Had_Wynn Active Member

    Since Yesterday I have been having issues getting to web pages. I can get email via outlook express. I can even get IM's but both IE and Mozilla loose connectitivity. I use a D-Link DI-524. I am losing web browser connectivity in both IE v6 and 7 and mozilla. I have a sony viao with xp home and dell xps with vista. I have rebooted both machines several times and can connect for a few moments then lose connectivity. I powered down and even reset my router. I can not even connect to the router to reset it, Any thoughts?

    I may need to reboot by the time i see any answers or even wait till tomorrow when I go to work to view suggestions

    thanks in advance
  2. Had_Wynn

    Had_Wynn Active Member


    after posting i was able to get into the d link and reset it up. Though my xp home still can not get the browsers to work, though my outlook is working. yesterday I had to go manually remove zone alarm because it was giving me some issues. I tried to uninstall it via add remove programs and even go into uninstall program with in zone alarm. Both ways told me i needed to be the administratror, of which i am. I had rebooted and tried to re install zone alarm but of course it says i have to be the administrator.

    I try to go into safe mode but it adds some of the drivers and it just sits and never does get into safe mode to do any work.

    Just rebuilt the xp box back in August and would like to avoid doing it again so early.

    ps my dell optiplex that has ubuntu on it can even access the internet via mozilla
  3. Had_Wynn

    Had_Wynn Active Member

    After spending two hours on the phone Sunday night with road runner. I found that my xp machine is going to end up being rebuilt. plugged both my xp box and my vista box (one at a time) into my cable modem. XP box can ping web pages but can not bring up web pages.

    My vista box could bring up web pages.

    I went back through and reset my dl-524 router back to factory specs then set it up for cable modem. plugged in all my pc's back in. My vista box is hit and miss on web pages. Both IE and Firefox. Though i can ping web pages and bring up chat windows. I reboot the workstation and i gain web pages again but after about 15 minutes it just sits there trying to refresh and never does. Though i could ping the pages and get a good response. My ubuntu box with firefox doesn't seam to be having any issues.

    Any thoughts?

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