Year Round School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by MrsPeepers, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I'm not, and my kids are not. I cherish my summers with my children.
  2. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Sorry for the the threadjack, but I heard the same thing about DoD technical manuals.

    It kinda makes sense though; if you want everyone to understand you, you must allow for variances in attention span and education, not to mention fatigue and cultural differences.

    Fyi, in my previous reference to vacation schedules I was referring more to the financial aspect of vacationing than the time. Vacation in the classical sense for my family is not an economic reality...we won't see the Bahamas or Florida any time soon!
  3. Allioop

    Allioop Well-Known Member

    Like I said, breaks are important! After observing several different classes, I have noticed sometimes more time is dedicated to breaks than to school work. I would never suggest cutting breaks completely.
  4. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    In each and every one of those countries, teachers are highly valued and respected. Not just anyone can teach. The requirements to teach are high, as they should be. Requirements for students and families to support that education are demanding, as they should be.

    I'll agree that many of programs and processes take away from a teacher's ability to teach. When their job is on the line if kids don't pass, they are as survival oriented as any of us..they do what it takes to keep their job, unless they are fortunate enough to have a financial support network so they can teach as they want to teach.

    NCLB requires accountability for schools, an idea I support. Yet, it fails to hold accountable, the very people most responsible for a child's learning, the parents. And until all stake holders - teachers, administrators, parents, and politicians have an equal stake and accountability, the teachers get held to a standard the others are free to ignore.

    If you want schools that excel, vote in a board that will push for excellence, and untie the hands of those who want to teach.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  5. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Also forgot to add that the length of the school days is different also. the daughter of one of our area teachers graduated from ECU and is teaching English in South Korea. She is paid more that her mother, who has been teaching over 20 years. In addition, she receives paid housing and insurance. Yet, the thing she remembers is the amount of respect that the parents of her students show to her, and the respect that her students do as well.

    When Little Bit gets out of HS, that's the game plan for C6 and me. Go teach where we're valued in more than just passing thoughts.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  6. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I've been a working parent before and paying for two weeks of fulltime childcare two months before Christmas and then an extra week during Christmas break would have been difficult.

    In the back of your mind you are always planning for summer break childcare costs, but throwing it in here and there could be stressful for families on a tight budget.
  7. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    This is an excellent point. There is often a ton of wasted time during a school day.

    DB's wife
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Ya know...

    I really don't think it matters what we think. They are going to do what they want to do, the meetings and voting/polling is to make parents feel good.

    That said, if they go through with this, they better darn well switch over the Middle School ASAP. I couldn't imagine the look on Thing II's face when she gets home and finds out that Thing I and I have been to the movies and the pool without her. I have enough drama with sibling rivalry.
  9. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

  10. kmollins

    kmollins Well-Known Member

    Too true and too funny! I AGREE!
  11. bronco611

    bronco611 Guest

    Funny :) The drama has already started here just from the thought that it MIGHT happen that kid1 will be going to school while kid2 is still enjoying summer vacation... Can't wait to deal with it once this actually goes through - Lord help me!

    (still hoping the school board comes to their senses and nixes this or has enough guts to implement the change county-wide)
  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Keeping it on the down low

    A meeting was held at t 2pm at Dixon with some area day care providers. The intent was to see if they would be able to make a schedule on such short notice.

    So much for listening to the parents, and the possibility that families don't want this.

    As I said, no transparency, all hidden agenda.
  13. twowaz2fal

    twowaz2fal Well-Known Member

    I would have to disagree. I think the principal is trying to have as many answers as she can before the parent meetings, because she knows the parents want to know how these things will be handled. She is very much trying to be prepared.

    This is also why Dr. Croom will be at the meeting at Dixon. She asked him, not all principals asked a board member to attend.
  14. Advocate

    Advocate Guest

    I think it should be manadatory that as board member be present to take MINUTES at all meetings. It should not be left at the discretion of the principal.
  15. arkpals2u

    arkpals2u Well-Known Member

    I must ask where Hatteras6 got his information? Was he in the meeting at Dixon and does he know what was discussed or presented? Has he been to a parent meeting to know what is being said there? The purpose was indeed to gather information in the hopes to be able to address daycare issues at the parent meeting. He failed to mention that daycare personnel had the opportunity to ask questions, that the concerns that were brought up were received quite well by the two principals in attendance and that it was stressed several times there is no set deadline for this calendar to go into effect this year. It may or may not, it is all information gathering at this time. I think the fact that they thought to speak with daycare providers shows a concern on their part for hardships the parents may face. The principals intentions were good not sneaky or underhanded. It is very apparent that Hatteras6 is not for the calendar which is fine but it seems that to throw out half information or heresay information is just stirring up the pot. JMO
  16. wed2x

    wed2x Well-Known Member

    I completely agree with you. I buy workbooks from BJ's at their grade level and we work on stuff after we have spent time at the pool. We also read every night. It is the parent's responsibility to be sure their brains are not jello when they return to school. It is not fair that I will be forced to have my children on this calendar. I chose JOCO instead of Wake primarily for the school system. Big mistake I guess.
  17. kmollins

    kmollins Well-Known Member

    It is rude and incorrect to assume that just b/c a child regreese over the summer that the parents have not worked with them. We do NOTHING but enrichment over the summer and despite being 3 levels above grade level in reading he still falls back a year every summer. He reads age and level appropriate material constantly but you cannot replicate a formal environment at home. There is more than academics there. EVERY child regresses some even the ones with involved parents like myself. I have no "parenting issues" in this area so drop it please.
  18. ncmomtothree

    ncmomtothree Well-Known Member

    My questions for the school meeting

    I have stayed off this thread because you guys have done such a great job answering questions/giving info-I really had nothing to add. I do want to give my questions to see if other schools have addressed before my parent meeting. Please let me know how the admin responded if they were.

    1. If the law requiring schools to start no earlier than Aug 25th is repealed (as it very well may be) will/can the traditional calendar be altered to start earlier so there will only be a 2 week gap between the starts. Then high school could take exams before holidays (not wasting January) and maybe all calendars could get a "fall" break where we share a week together.

    2. I would like to see a "model" for the enhancement/remediation program with types of curricula, classes etc. where we have data to back up the program. Is there another school system in the country that does this where we (as parents) can get feedback? If the enhancement classes were exceptional I can see the value in it-I pay for my kids to go to science, math, sports etc. camps like this-wouldn't it nice to have them here in JoCo? But-I need some info first please! What kinds of programs? Different schools, different camps?

    3. What is the harm in giving the county/schools/parents one year to design this calendar and all that it entails before implementation? To take a good look at middle schools at the same time? Right now all I have to vote on is some sketchy data from the two elementary schools doing this and a basic plan for "enrichment". This does not convince me to put my family at an inconvenience. My vote has to be no with what I have been given. Remember most families at some point will have children at 2 different levels (high/middle/elem) at the same time.

    4. Could someone please explain why high schools could not have the converted schedule? The only reason I hear is sports but I don't know why. Football practice starts in the summer and with the more time off it looks like coaches would jump at the intense practices they could schedule.

    Sorry for the long post!
  19. momtofive

    momtofive Well-Known Member

    I heard today that Four Oaks has also talked to daycare providers. Sounds like the *powers that be* are already setting things in motion for this new calendar to be implemented.
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Where I got the information is not germane to the discussion. Was my post about this factual? Yes. 'nuff said.

    My point was that calling a few daycare providers, while a good thing, is still reminiscent of doing things with MINIMAL public notice. What was the challenge with these types of meetings being advertised ahead of time. For all you know, I may want to get into the childcare business, and not being made aware of opportunities because my business isn't currently catering to one school or another is no excuse.

    Apparently, you've found this website to be a useful communications broadcasting medium. I'm certain that the webmaster would be happy to post these types of community notices, if the powers that be wanted to be open and transparent about what they are doing. Some people are fine and happy with going through life without questioning why and how decisions are made for one reason or another. Many on this board have a well developed skepticism, based on their involvement with the schools that precludes acceptance without examination.

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