Sick of barking dogs

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JoCoREZ, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    what if it was loud music or some guy playing drums all day and night next door to you? is it only the noise your dog makes that you are willing to excuse? his house, his yard, his party until 3 am. you going to be just as forgiving as you expect everyone else to be of your dog? because noise pollution is noise pollution, doesn't matter if it's a concert or a construction site or a dog. people have the right to expect laws to be enforced.

    if my dog was bothering people, i would feel bad and i would want to not have a negative impact on their living environment, just as i would expect them to respect mine. what i do here is my business: it's not affecting you. what you do over there is your business, as long as it's not affecting me...
  2. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

  3. alen

    alen Well-Known Member

    There lies the problem. Nobody has ANY respect for anybody else anymore. Me, me, me....that is all that matters to most folks.

    Their mentality is this, MY dog barks in MY yard and it doesn't bother ME, don't really care that it bothers you.
  4. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

  5. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    Right on the spot. Laws or no laws, there are just some people who lack common courtesy and respect for one another. I have dogs. They are indoors most of the time but are also outside in our fenced yard alot. They do bark once in a while for the same reasons stated-a squirrel, stranger nearby etc. But it is not constant barking-it's not frequent and it is short lived. I think that's acceptable, especially during daytime. The issue is usually with dogs left outside all of the time who bark all the time. Who bark all night. Johnston County Animal Control has been to my neighborhood many times in the past because of this issue with someone else (and no, I was never the one who called them or complained). But they said that if there is a loophole with the way the law is written-the dog has to bark constantly without stopping at all in order for them to do anything. He pointed out a dog barking and then it stopped for about 10 seconds...he said "see-now I can't do anything". So for those people who just don't care about how their actions impact their neighbors, I hope someday Karma comes back and bites them in the *%@!
  6. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

    Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience-Mark Twain
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    funny you ask....

    my neighbor is a drunk and so is his disabled Dad. they go for beer runs every single night between 12Midnight and 3am in the morning....but not before they sit in the driveway and rev their truck for about 45 minutes.....

    oh and he also speeds through the neighborhood.

    Does it bother me, well yeah...
    does it affect me? ummm, no.

    big difference.
  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I don't lack common courtesy as a neighbor either, so don't even go there. I pick up neighbors trash and cigarette butts at least once a week. Does that bother me? absolutely. Does it affect me? no.

    I have about 9 mailboxes right at my driveway before going down a private road behaind my house. Every single one of those folks drop paper and envelopes and cards from retrieving their mail EVERY SINGLE DAY. Guess who's yard it's in? mine. Does it bother me? yep. Does it affect me? no.

    and for the record, to my knowledge no one has complained about my, or any of the other dogs that get in a barking contest every night.
  9. emismom

    emismom Well-Known Member

    my dog barks all the time when i put him outside and it drives me nuts... i try not to leave him out to long so that he doesnt bother others to much. not sure what to do with him though he even barks at leafs blowing.
  10. JoCoREZ

    JoCoREZ Well-Known Member

  11. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    I agree 100% - same scenario with our furry companions. And yes, I AM "that guy" who calls when I see a neighbor dog on the loose, terrorizing walkers, or tormenting our pets through our fence, and packs of loose dogs. We have been active in "altering" some of this behavior by getting rules enforced on our street, and everyone is safer and happier. And I would do it again in a heartbeat. Taking pictures of offending loose dogs and reporting them with the evidence goes a long way with assisting in the enforcement of the laws.
  12. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    We have a bark collar for our coonhound. I swear she barks at the wind. We put it on her a few hours a day, during her prime barking hours. The neighbors don't have a dog, why should they listen to one bark for six hours straight?

    I had a cat. He didn't wander alot, but I guess he ****ed someone off. I'd be pretty mad if he came home with paintball on him - that's cruel. I would prefer someone came and spoke with me. But they didn't. He was gone for two days, came home for a day, then I guess he went in the wrong yard again. We DID find him sleeping on the highway.... FIVE miles from our home, guess somebody decided to relocate him. He made it home the first time it seems. Relocating somebody's pet is NEVER an option. I told my girls he ran away, sleeping on some old lady's lap eating Fancy Feast. Did I want to taint their 5 and 7YO world with the ugly truth? That somebody took their beloved pet and dumped him five miles away?

    I had a problem with a neighbor's dog once. I spoke with them in person, they ignored me. I called Animal Control as they drove off, leaving their dog in the middle of the road to entangle and fight with my leashed dog. A little warning though, this is not anonymous call. They can request in writing who made the report and AC will provide your info to them. Or they can just drive down the street, find your house, and let their teens torment you for months until you file a restraining order and go to court.

    Another neighbor, it took them several fines before they got the hint - but they were mature enough to not harrass me.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
  13. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    A note of clarification - while the idea occurred to us about the paintball "marking", we would never do it, as we are told it hurts to be hit by a paintball, and would injure the animal. Not the animal's fault, not out to punish the animal. I am sorry about your cat. My concern is primarily for the safety of these animals, and wish for owners to be more educated about being more responsible about the pet they own. Yes, I am certain animal control shares information about who reports who when it comes to complaints. I have had confrontations with offenders; goes with the territory. I have always approached the owners about issues FIRST, and if no success, then I call for help. I do not have a problem being identified as the "crazy snitch b$%#@". I stand up for what I believe is right.:cheers:
  14. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    I dont live in a subdivision, I live around alot of farm land. So a cat with no id/collar that continues to come in my yard with no way to find the owner is nicely relocated, not killed!!
  15. ncmomtothree

    ncmomtothree Well-Known Member

    Those bark control devices that you put in your yard work well for large dogs and a certain area. If you can put one on your property line aimed at the dogs it will shut them up if they are in range. Ask me how I know. Return it if it doesn't work. Should you have to purchase it? Nope. But what is your other option?

    My other neighbor sings karoke every Friday nite til 3 am. JC sheriff's office loves me. It is just like someone said earlier. For people today it is all about me, me me.
  16. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    I've tried keeping a collar on my cat 3 different times, every time he came home without it - so I gave up. He is microchipped - but he's an indoor/outdoor cat - how am I supposed to keep him out someone's yard? :confused:
  17. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    at 2 or 3 in the morning he should be in your house. not my yard or on my car scratching it... thats why I dont have a cat!!
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
  18. ServerSnapper

    ServerSnapper Well-Known Member

    if I catch anyones cat on my car. It's a bye bye cat. You cat owners need to be responsible. If they drift in my crosshairs it's not going to be a paintball gun. I'll use m80's, cat food and nails.
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest


    I see what you are saying. We have that stray we've been feeding. I can't get anywhere near him. If I trap him, WTH am I supposed to do with him? He's not "mine", but I would hate to see something bad happen to him. I was upset when I thought a coyote got him.

    My indoor cat.............she is strictly indoor though. One or the other, I don't want an outdoor cat bringing me presents (dead critters, ticks, fleas, etc) and my indoor is declawed, so there you go.
  20. Sdaanimal

    Sdaanimal Well-Known Member

    Cats are much safer indoors. Since a pet cat have the litter box thing going on, there is no reason, really, to allow him outside. Unless he is safely enclosed in a yard, the same rules that are applied to dogs. Or are there two sets of rules that apply to dog and cat pets? Not to be smart-@#%, but just curious. :neutral:

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