Shock collars, what do you think?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by mamax3, Jul 26, 2005.

  1. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    THere is a discussion on a dal board about shock collars to stop a dog from barking. What do you all think? Would you use one?

    My opinion was this and I guess I am in the minority over there so was just wondering what yall thought... Why would I shock my dog to get them to shut up when I don't shock my kids and get them to shut up?? I suggested trying some conditioning techinques that I used recently with our 3 Dals barking issues but according them the only way to correct is through shocking the poor dog. :cry:
  2. David

    David Well-Known Member

    Ummm Because Dogs aren't kids.

    Kids Speak English and can comprehend.

    You don't speak dog.
  3. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    but as a mother of 3 dals and 3 boys, the dals comprehend much better. :lol:
  4. David

    David Well-Known Member

    Beat the boys, Shock the dogs. It's the way it is meant to be.

    If you beat the dogs and shock the boys, you will go to jail.
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Funny but true.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    i would not use a shock collar on my dog although it would be temping at time. she barks at every little movement.
  7. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Me too!!!
  8. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Fo Real tho!!
  9. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    There are other types of bark collars that spray citrus oil when your dog barks, the scent of the citrus distracts them (and they dont really like it) and it stops the barking habit without using an electric shock. If interested go to and look for the PetSafe Spray No Bark collar.
  10. shock collars

    Its not an effective training method IMHO.

    Anything that removes YOU as leader will cause problems in all areas of training.

    The shock collar or any remote training method removes you as the source of the correction. I dont even approve of the "humane" remote collars that use citronella or sound to correct.

    You want your dog to respect you, if you cant get to that point without using a remote collar, you and the dog need some serious training classes.

    basic facts are this, bored, unexcercised, dogs bark. The dogs needs at least one or two good long walks, mental stimulation through toys or play, and then training. Its just about impossible to try to train a hyper dog without excercising it with a good walk first, frustrating for the dog and owner.
  11. mamax3

    mamax3 Well-Known Member

    I suggested this and was told that they get used to it. but my arguement was wouldn't they get used to getting shocked to?
  12. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I got this bark collar once for my lab mix...I don't believe in the shock collar method. This one "let out a LOUD noise" when the dog barked, according to the directions. I put it on her, she barked ,it gave a little "beep" (my nextel beep is MUCH louder), and she cocked her head trying to look at her own neck! It was so funny. So she barked again and realized it was fun! :lol: Only my baby!
  13. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    There is a device that you can get at Sharper Image in the mall. It plugs in and has a protective sleeve so it can be hung outside. When the dogs bark, it emits an ultrasonic tone that is very annoying to dogs. This works fairly well. You can move the unit indoors if your dogs bark excessively inside as well. Of course, if you are going out and you want the dogs to be able to bark freely to deter people from your house, switch the unit off.

    I used this for about 2 months and it worked well. It doesn't harm the dog, the sound is just too annoying for them to keep up the noise and they figure out quickly that bark = sound and they keep it to a minimum.

    I donated my unit to a lady who had neighbors complaining in downtown Selma about her dogs. She couldn't afford to go buy the unit (about $50 -60 if I remember correctly)as she was retired and on a fixed income. My guys now only bark when there is someone near my fence, which is their job, so I never replaced the unit for myself.

    While it may not work for every dog, it is a kinder way of quieting them down and worth a shot.
  14. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it is - I checked Sharper Image's website and don't see it there, but the website doesn't always have what the stores have...

    This is pretty close to what I had, mine didn't have the remote control thingy though.
  15. spider

    spider Member

    I wish my neighbor would put a shock collar on her dogs. They bark all night sometimes

  16. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member


    Any idea how would it effect birds? My fear is my dog will bark and the sound will drive my bird nuts...

    My chihuahua has become yappy (after 2 years??) I just want his barking to get back to a minimum. Right now every little thing makes him bark. He knows he is "wrong" and tucks tail, stares at me and still barks!!
  17. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I knew what I was getting into when I rescued him. But for the past 2- 2 1/2 years he only barked at appropriate times. (ie door knock, someone outside etc) Now, if I just answer one of my kids across the house he goes into a frenzy. He understands it is "wrong" (by his body language) but insists on doing it anyway. He will even "hide" and bark.

    I would just like a way to remind him this is unexceptible. A behavorist told me to spray him with water everytime, or sound off an air gun. But I have a new baby.... (which may be part of his problem...)

    He is a wonderful little guy. (I train guide dogs, so I am partial to large dogs.) The big ones are just so much easier to train, he takes notes, but does what he wants anyway. :)
  18. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Actually a little before baby came... but I probably haven't given him as much attention. He just seems "jumpy" lately. Insecure, needy....

    But even if I cough, he will bark... (protection of baby??)

    He is great with the baby, lets him hug him, brings the baby his toys etc... Way better than I expected. We reward him for that with constant praise.

    I just dont know where to go from here....
  19. dundreamn

    dundreamn Guest

    as a dog/horse trainer, my first action would be to try every training method or behavioral adaption to get the dog to stop barking with the use of "aides" I sell and use shock collars and bark collars and they are always my last resort. I know they work if used properly and if you don't try to schimp on the "cheap model", but it is always better to use behavior modification over mechanical devises
  20. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I agree! There are some people I would like to use the "shock collar" on!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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