20/20 Tourette Syndrome

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by crazymom2girls, May 22, 2009.

  1. I'm watching 20/20 from tonight (recorded on DVR) about kids with tourette syndrome. It breaks my heart. To think I complain about my normal, healthy kids getting on my nerves - the poor kids and their families have so much to deal with.
  2. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Right with ya, Mom. We tend to forget just how good we've got it, until confroented with how bad it can be,.
  3. mommy3

    mommy3 Well-Known Member

    Both of my cousin's kids were recently diagnosed with Tourettes. Immediately, it began consuming their lives. Daily trips to the hospital for rounds of meds and more testing. I cannot imagine one child much less both and at the same time. It is heartbreaking. They are 4 and 7 years old. They believe that (in their case) it may have been caused by toxic mold (that they didn't know they had) in their home. They live in "Hurricane Alley" in Florida so you can imagine the moisture damage they get year after year.
  4. peekaboo

    peekaboo Well-Known Member

    I saw it first hand...

    I was a teacher's aide for an adult class. One of our students had it plus OCD (continuous hand washing) which isn't unusual. I actual saw him hit his own face with his fist. His first seemed like it was from someone else hitting and punching SO hard it was unbelieveable! Medicines help some what. He had such a nice personality than would change to a paranoid person yelling at anyone near who he thought looked at him wrong. He did not swear though. I admit at first I was afraid of him, but as I got to know the illness we became friends. Each person who has it can have such different symptoms. How hard it must be on family of the ones that scream or bark all the time! Hugs to all of them!

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